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    The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React / Angular / Vue / Plain JavaScript.
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    JavaScript Data Grid | JavaScript Table

    AG Grid Logo
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    AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript Data Grid. It delivers outstanding performance, has no third-party dependencies and comes with support for React Logo React, Angular Logo Angular and Vue Logo Vue.

    Kitchen Sink Demo ## 📖 Overview
    Table of Contents - 📖 Overview - Features - Examples - ⚡️ Quick Start - Installation - Setup - Seed Projects - 🛠️ Customisations - Custom Components - Themes - Custom Themes - 🌍 Community - Tools \& Extensions - Showcase - Stargazers - 🤝 Support - Enterprise Support - Bug Reports - Questions - Contributing - ⚠️ License
    AG Grid is available in two versions: Community & Enterprise. - ag-grid-community is free, available under the MIT license, and comes with all of the core features expected from a JavaScript Data Grid, including Sorting, Filtering, Pagination, Editing, Custom Components, Theming and more. - ag-grid-enterprise is available under a commercial license and comes with advanced features, like Integrated Charting, Row Grouping, Aggregation, Pivoting, Master/Detail, Server-side Row Model, and Exporting in addition to dedicated support from our Engineering team. ### Features | Feature | AG Grid Community | AG Grid Enterprise | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | | Filtering | ✅ | ✅ (Advanced) | | Sorting | ✅ | ✅ | | Cell Editing | ✅ | ✅ | | CSV Export | ✅ | ✅ | | Drag & Drop | ✅ | ✅ | | Themes and Styling | ✅ | ✅ | | Selection | ✅ | ✅ | | Accessibility | ✅ | ✅ | | Infinite Scrolling | ✅ | ✅ | | Pagination | ✅ | ✅ | | Server-Side Data | ✅ | ✅ (Advanced) | | Custom Components | ✅ | ✅ | | Integrated Charting | ❌ | ✅ | | Range Selection | ❌ | ✅ | | Row Grouping and Aggregation | ❌ | ✅ | | Pivoting | ❌ | ✅ | | Excel Export | ❌ | ✅ | | Clipboard Operations | ❌ | ✅ | | Master/Detail | ❌ | ✅ | | Tree Data | ❌ | ✅ | | Column Menu | ❌ | ✅ | | Context Menu | ❌ | ✅ | | Tool Panels | ❌ | ✅ | | Support | ❌ | ✅ | > [!IMPORTANT] > Visit the Pricing page for a full comparison. ### Examples We've created several demos to showcase AG Grid's rich feature set across different use cases. See them in action below, or interact with them on our Demo page.
    🏦 Financial Demo

    Financial data example featuring live updates and sparklines:


    📦 Inventory Demo

    Inventory data example to view and manage products:

    🧑‍💼 HR Demo

    HR data example showing hierarchical employee data:

    ## ⚡️ Quick Start AG Grid is easy to set up - all you need to do is provide your data and define your column structure. Read on for vanilla JavaScript installation instructions, or refer to our framework-specific guides forReact Logo React,Angular Logo Angular andVue Logo Vue. ### Installation sh $ npm install --save ag-grid-community ### Setup 1. Provide a Container Load the AG Grid library and create a blank container div: html <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Includes all JS & CSS for the JavaScript Data Grid --> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <!-- Your Data Grid container --> <div id="myGrid"></div> </body> </html> 2. Instantiating the JavaScript Data Grid Create the Data Grid inside of your container div using createGrid. js // Grid Options: Contains all of the Data Grid configurations const gridOptions = {}; // Your Javascript code to create the Data Grid const myGridElement = document.querySelector('#myGrid'); agGrid.createGrid(myGridElement, gridOptions); 3. Define Rows and Columns js // Grid Options: Contains all of the Data Grid configurations const gridOptions = { // Row Data: The data to be displayed. rowData: [ { make: 'Tesla', model: 'Model Y', price: 64950, electric: true }, { make: 'Ford', model: 'F-Series', price: 33850, electric: false }, { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', price: 29600, electric: false }, ], // Column Definitions: Defines the columns to be displayed. columnDefs: [{ field: 'make' }, { field: 'model' }, { field: 'price' }, { field: 'electric' }], }; 4. Styling the JavaScript Data Grid Add the ag-theme-quartz CSS class to your Data Grid container div to apply the Data Grid's theme. html <!-- Your Data Grid container --> <div id="myGrid" class="ag-theme-quartz" style="height: 500px"></div> > [!IMPORTANT] > For more information on building Data Grids with AG Grid, refer to our Documentation. ### Seed Projects We also provide Seed Projects to help you get started with common configurations:
    Environment Framework Packages Modules
    Create React App (CRA) React Logo Packages Modules
    Vite React Logo Packages Modules
    Vite - TypeScript TypeScript Logo Packages Modules
    Webpack 5 - TypeScript TypeScript Logo Packages Modules
    Webpack 5 - JavaScript JavaScript Logo Packages Modules
    Angular CLI Angular Logo Packages Modules
    Nuxt Vue3 Logo Packages Modules
    Vite Vue3 Logo Packages Modules
    ## 🛠️ Customisations AG Grid is fully customisable, both in terms of appearance and functionality. There are many ways in which the grid can be customised and we provide a selection of tools to help create those customisations. ### Custom Components You can create your own Custom Components to customise the behaviour of the grid. For example, you can customise how cells are rendered, how values are edited and also create your own filters. There are a number of different Component Types that you can provide to the grid, including: - Cell Component: To customise the contents of a cell. - Header Component: To customise the header of a column and column groups. - Edit Component: To customise the editing of a cell. - Filter Component: For custom column filter that appears inside the column menu. - Floating Filter: For custom column floating filter that appears inside the column menu. - Date Component: To customise the date selection component in the date filter. - Loading Component: To customise the loading cell row when using Server Side Row Model. - Overlay Component: To customise loading and no rows overlay components. - Status Bar Component: For custom status bar components. - Tool Panel Component: For custom tool panel components. - Tooltip Component: For custom cell tooltip components. - Menu Item Component: To customise the menu items shown in the Column and Context Menus. To supply a custom cell renderer and filter components to the Grid, create a direct reference to your component within the gridOptions.columnDefs property: js gridOptions = { columnDefs: [ { field: 'country', // The column to add the component to cellRenderer: CountryCellRenderer, // Your custom cell component filter: CountryFilter, // Your custom filter component }, ], }; ### Themes AG Grid has 4 themes, each available in light & dark modes. We also supply each theme with an auto mode that can toggle the theme based on the users' system preferences:
    Quartz Material
    Quartz Theme Material Theme
    Alpine Balham
    Alpine Theme Balham Theme
    To apply a theme, add the relevant CSS Class to the Data Grid container. For example, to apply the Quartz theme, use the CSS class ag-theme-quartz: js <div id="myGrid" style="height: 150px; width: 600px" class="ag-theme-quartz"></div> ### Custom Themes All AG Grid themes can be customised using CSS variables, or you can create a new theme from scratch with the help of our Theme Builder or Figma Design System. ## 🌍 Community ### Tools & Extensions AG Grid has a large and active community who have created an ecosystem of 3rd party tools, extensions and utilities to help you build your next project with AG Grid, no matter which language or framework you use: ### Showcase AG Grid is used by 100,000's of developers across the world, from almost every industry. Whilst most of these projects are private, we've curated a selection of open-source projects from different industries where household names use AG Grid, including J.P.Morgan, MongoDB and NASA. Visit our Community Showcase page to learn more. ### Stargazers Founded in 2016, AG Grid has seen a steady rise in popularity and is now the market leader for Data Grids: The AG Grid star history chart

    🤝 Support

    Enterprise Support

    AG Grid Enterprise customers have access to dedicated support via ZenDesk, which is monitored by our engineering teams.

    Bug Reports

    If you have found a bug, please report it in this repository's issues section.

    GitHub Issues


    Look for similar problems on StackOverflow using the ag-grid tag. If nothing seems related, post a new message there. Please do not use GitHub issues to ask questions.

    Stack Exchange questions


    AG Grid is developed by a team of co-located developers in London. If you want to join the team send your application to

    ⚠️ License

    ag-grid-community is licensed under the MIT license.

    ag-grid-enterprise has a Commercial license.

    See the LICENSE file for more info.

    AG ChartsLogoAG Charts

    If you've made it this far, you may be interested in our latest project: AG Charts - The best JavaScript Charting library in the world.

    Initially built to power Integrated Charts in AG Grid, we open-sourced this project in 2018. Having seen the steady rise in popularity since then, we have decided to invest in AG Charts with a dedicated Enterprise version (ag-charts-enterprise) in addition to our continued support of ag-charts-community.

    Preview of AG Charts JavaScript Charting Examples

    Follow us to keep up to date with all the latest news from AG Grid: Twitter Badge LinkedIn Badge YouTube Badge Blog Badge
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