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    JavaScript Routes
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    • 46.5 days
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    Build Status

    Crossroads - JavaScript Routes


    Crossroads.js is a routing library inspired by URL Route/Dispatch utilities present on frameworks like Rails, Pyramid, Django, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc... It parses a string input and decides which action should be executed by matching the string against multiple patterns.

    If used properly it can reduce code complexity by decoupling objects and also by abstracting navigation paths.

    See project page for documentation and more details.


    This library requires JS-Signals to work.


    MIT License

    Distribution Files

    Files inside dist folder.

    • crossroads.js : Uncompressed source code with comments.
    • crossroads.min.js : Compressed code.

    You can install Crossroads on Node.js using NPM

    npm install crossroads

    Repository Structure

    Folder Structure

    dev       ->  development files
    |- lib          ->  3rd-party libraries
    |- src          ->  source files
    |- tests        ->  unit tests
    dist      ->  distribution files


    master      ->  always contain code from the latest stable version
    release-**  ->  code canditate for the next stable version (alpha/beta)
    dev         ->  main development branch (nightly)
    gh-pages    ->  project page
    **other**   ->  features/hotfixes/experimental, probably non-stable code

    Building your own

    This project uses Node.js for the build process. If for some reason you need to build a custom version install Node.js and run:

    node build

    This will delete all JS files inside the dist folder, merge/update/compress source files and copy the output to the dist folder.

    IMPORTANT: dist folder always contain the latest version, regular users should not need to run build task.

    Running unit tests

    On the browser

    Open dev/tests/spec_runner-dist.html on your browser.

    spec_runner-dist tests dist/crossroads.js and spec_runner-dev tests files inside dev/src - they all run the same specs.

    On Node.js

    Install npm and run:

    npm install --dev
    npm test

    Each time you run npm test the files inside the dist folder will be updated (it executes node build as a pretest script).

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