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    Css Console

    cssConsole is a jquery plugin that allows you to transform DOM element into console/terminal like input.
    Filed under 

    • 🔾10%Overall
    • 281
    • 357.7 days
    • 🕩17
    • 👥2


    cssConsole is a jquery plugin that allows you to transform DOM element into console/terminal like input.

    Browser Support

    cssConsole has been tested and should work in

    • Internet Explorer 6+
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Opera


    You can find some examples here.


    Include cssConsole and its stylesheet on your page before the </body> tag

    <link href="cssConsole.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="/path/to/cssConsole.min.js"></script>

    Then just add it to one of DOMs elements



    Settable Options

    Option Description Data Type Default
    type Type of the input box (supports: 'text', 'password') string 'text'
    inputId If provided, sets the id for the input element string null
    inputName If provided, sets the name for the input element string null
    inputValue If provided, sets the value for the input element string null
    blinkingInterval Sets blinking interval (in milliseconds) for the caret integer 500
    preventEnter If true, prevents default action on pressing Enter key boolean true
    charLimit Sets limit of characters in the input (0 = no limit) integer 0
    onEnter Sets function to be executed on pressing Enter key function function (){ }


    Method Description
    reset Resets value of the input field
    destroy Removes plugin functionality


    cssConsole plugin is released under MIT license.


    cssConsole plugin was created by MichaƂ Kowalkowski. You can contact me at

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