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    Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).
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    This module makes it easy to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, macOS, Firefox OS, MeeGo, AppleTV, etc), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).

    View the Demo →


    This module inserts CSS classes into the <html> element.


    Android Tablet

    Blackberry Tablet


    • iOS: iPhone, iPod, iPad
    • macOS
    • Android: Phones & Tablets
    • Blackberry: Phones & Tablets
    • Windows: Phones, Tablets, Desktops
    • Firefox OS: Phones & Tablets


    Just include the script. The script then updates the <html> section with the appropriate classes based on the device's characteristics.


    npm install current-device

    And then import it:

    // using es modules
    import device from "current-device";
    // common.js
    const device = require("current-device").default;

    Or use script tags and globals.

    <script src=""></script>

    And then access it off the global like so:

    console.log(" === %s",;


    The following tables map which CSS classes are added based on device and orientation.

    Device CSS Class Names

    Device CSS Classes
    iPad ios ipad tablet
    iPhone ios iphone mobile
    iPod ios ipod mobile
    Mac macos desktop
    Android Phone android mobile
    Android Tablet android tablet
    BlackBerry Phone blackberry mobile
    BlackBerry Tablet blackberry tablet
    Windows Phone windows mobile
    Windows Tablet windows tablet
    Windows Desktop windows desktop
    Firefox OS Phone fxos mobile
    Firefox OS Tablet fxos tablet
    MeeGo meego
    Desktop desktop
    Television television

    Orientation CSS Class Names

    Orientation CSS Classes
    Landscape landscape
    Portrait portrait


    This module also includes support for conditional JavaScript, allowing you to write checks on the following device characteristics:

    Device JavaScript Methods

    Device JavaScript Method
    Tablet device.tablet()
    Desktop device.desktop()
    iOS device.ios()
    iPad device.ipad()
    iPhone device.iphone()
    iPod device.ipod()
    Mac device.macos()
    Android Phone device.androidPhone()
    Android Tablet device.androidTablet()
    BlackBerry device.blackberry()
    BlackBerry Phone device.blackberryPhone()
    BlackBerry Tablet device.blackberryTablet()
    Windows Phone device.windowsPhone()
    Windows Tablet device.windowsTablet()
    Firefox OS device.fxos()
    Firefox OS Phone device.fxosPhone()
    Firefox OS Tablet device.fxosTablet()
    MeeGo device.meego()
    Television device.television()

    Orientation JavaScript Methods

    Orientation JavaScript Method
    Landscape device.landscape()
    Portrait device.portrait()

    Orientation JavaScript Callback

    device.onChangeOrientation(newOrientation => {
      console.log(`New orientation is ${newOrientation}`);

    Utility Methods


    Run current-device in noConflict mode, returning the device variable to its previous owner. Returns a reference to the device object.

    const currentDevice = device.noConflict();

    Useful Properties

    Access these properties on the device object to get the first match on that attribute without looping through all of its getter methods.

    JS Property Returns
    device.type 'mobile', 'tablet', 'desktop', or 'unknown'
    device.orientation 'landscape', 'portrait', or 'unknown'
    device.os 'ios', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod', 'android', 'blackberry', 'windows', 'macos', 'fxos', 'meego', 'television', or 'unknown'


    Environment detection has a high rate of misuse. Often times, folks will attempt to work around browser feature support problems by checking for the affected browser and doing something different in response. The preferred solution for those kinds of problems, of course, is to check for the feature, not the browser (ala Modernizr).

    However, that common misuse of device detection doesn't mean it should never be done. For example, current-device could be employed to change the interface of your web app such that it uses interaction patterns and UI elements common to the device it's being presented on. Android devices might get a slightly different treatment than Windows or iOS, for instance. Another valid use-case is guiding users to different app stores depending on the device they're using.

    In short, check for features when you need features, and check for the browser when you need the browser.

    Contributors ✨

    Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

    Matthew Hudson

    πŸ’» 🚧

    Rafael TerΓ‘n






    This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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