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    JS tool for making node graphs. Inspired by dependency graph
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    Diagram is the tool for displaying node based systems.

    This package contains one dependency.

    Getting started


    import { Diagram } from 'graphsource'
    class App {
      constructor() {
        const root = document.getElementById("root");
        if (!root) {
          throw new Error("No root html element");
        this.diagram = new Diagram(root, {});
                "name": "Query",
                "type": "type",
                "id": "1",
                "description": "",
                "inputs": [
                "outputs": [],
                "options": [
                "name": "pizzas",
                "type": "Pizza",
                "id": "2",
                "inputs": [],
                "outputs": [
                "description":"get all pizzas a a a from the database",
                "options": [
                "name": "Pizza",
                "type": "type",
                "id": "3",
                "description": "Main type of the schema",
                "inputs": [
                "outputs": [],
                "options": []
                "name": "name",
                "type": "String",
                "id": "4",
                "inputs": [],
                "outputs": [
                "options": [
    new App()


    import { Diagram, NodeDefinition, AcceptedNodeDefinition } from 'graphsource'
    this.diagram = new Diagram(document.getElementById("root"));

    Light mode

    Diagram is in dark mode by defult, but You can easily change the theme to light one. Just add the options while creating Diagram.

    import { Diagram, DefaultDiagramThemeLight } from 'graphsource'
    this.diagram = new Diagram(document.getElementById("root"),
      theme: DefaultDiagramThemeLight

    Develop & Contribute

    $ git clone
    $ npm install
    $ npm run start

    Add to your project

    $ npm install graphsource

    Listening to diagram events

    It's possible to attach to certain events that occur inside the diagram. You can do it by using familiar .on() syntax, e.g.:

    this.diagram = new Diagram(/* ... */);
    /* ... */
    this.diagram.on(EVENT_NAME, () => {
      // callback

    Here is the list of all subscribable events:

    • ViewModelChanged - fires when a view model (pan, zoom) was changed
    • NodeMoving - fires when node is being moved
    • NodeMoved - fires when node stops being moved
    • NodeSelected - fires when node(s) was selected
    • UndoRequested - fires when undo was requested
    • RedoRequested - fires when redo was requested

    You can unsubscribe your listener either by using .off(), or by invoking unsubscriber function that is being returned from .on():

    this.diagram = new Diagram(/* ... */);
    const callback = (nodeList) => {
      console.log('Nodes are moving!', nodeList);
    this.diagram.on('NodeMoving', callback); // callback will be fired
    // ...'NodeMoving', callback); // callback will not be fired anymore
    this.diagram = new Diagram(/* ... */);
    const callback = () => {
      console.log('node moving!');
    const unsubscriber = this.diagram.on('NodeMoving', callback); // callback will be fired
    // ...
    unsubscriber(); // callback will not be fired anymore

    Serialisation of data

    const diagram = new Diagram(/* ... */);
    const callback = ({nodes, links}) => {
      // Here you receive nodes and links after Serialisation
    this.diagram.on('DataModelChanged', callback); // callback will be fired


    To generate docs simply type:

    npm run docs


    • Pan - press and hold Left Mouse Button and move mouse
    • Move - press and hold Left Mouse Button on node
    • CLICK ON NODE TYPE - if node is a children of other node it centers view on parent node
    • SHIFT + Left Mouse Button Click - select multiple nodes


    Feel free to contact us and contribute in graphql editor project.

    1. fork this repo
    2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name
    3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
    4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
    5. Submit a pull request

    Used by

    Here is Live Demo of diagram used to create node based graphql system

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