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    Display Js

    A simple JavaScript framework for building ambitious UIs 😊
    Filed under  › 

    • 🔾38%Overall
    • 591
    • 24.8 days
    • 🕩59
    • 👥14


    A simple framework for building ambitious UI, without thinking about how everything will be displayed.
    By the way, you can ⭐️ the project to support it 😊

    GitHub release Build Status Github All Releases npm License

    Browser support

    The browser support table is not 100% accurate. The ⛔ means that I didn't test DisplayJS for that browser.

    Chrome logo Firefox logo IE logo Opera logo Safari logo Android Browser Logo
    52+ ✅ 52+ ✅ 10+⛔ 40+ ✅ 9+ ✅ 5.2+ ⛔

    Getting Started

    To use display.js, you'll need to download display.js and add it in your js folder. Or, you can add these line of code in the head or in the body of your page:

    // Add DisplayJS
    <script src=""></script>

    or you can install DisplayJS using npm

    $ npm install display.js

    Initialize DisplayJS

    // Create a var for Display.JS. You don't have to add the $ var, you can change the name.
    var $ = new DisplayJS (window);

    The full docs can be found here


    DisplayJS is a project that required a lot of work and effort. You can show your appreciation by leaving a ⭐️. But you can also contribute in a 'financial' way by giving to my Patreon


    Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

    Made a website using the DisplayJS?

    Add the built with DisplayJS badge to your

    Built with DisplayJS

    Feel free to send me an email at, and I might add your site to an examples section I'm currently working on.

    Examples of projects using DisplayJS

    We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


    • Arthur Guiot - Initial work - @arguiot
    • Nikhil Bhaskar - Added aliases for the $.var() function - @Nikhil22
    • devrafalko - Helped a lot for the $.math() function - @devrafalko
    • Irving Ventura - Fixed a merge issue - @irvingv8
    • Vladimir B. - Fixed the global export warning - @ange007
    • ChenSheng - Fixed $.s() function - @Cslove

    See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. If you don't code but you have great ideas, don't hesitate to write your idea in the issue part. If your idea is accepted, I will add you to this list 😊.

    Thank You
    for support


    This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

    Copyright © 2017 Arthur Guiot All Rights Reserved.

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