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    let's you know when the dom is ready
    Filed under  › 

    • 🔾35%Overall
    • 873
    • 53.3 days
    • 🕩129
    • 👥11


    It's easy. Works like this:

    domready(function () {
      // dom is loaded!

    Deprecation Notice

    Compatibility with IE6, IE7, and IE8 has been fully dropped. If your application requires this level of support, please use the 0.3.0 release.

    Browser support

    • IE9+
    • Firefox 4+
    • Safari 3+
    • Chrome *
    • Opera *


    npm install
    open tests/test.html

    Including with Ender

    Don't already have Ender? Install it like this:

    npm install ender -g

    Include domready in your package:

    ender add domready

    Then use it like this

    require('domready')(function () {
    // or
    $(document).ready(function () {
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