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    Animated Social Menu Framework with magic
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    Engaged Social Navigation Framework


    Engaged social menu is a super simple menu that can be easily integrated into any website including Wordpress. Some of the beautiful icons from font awesome has been used to increase the beauty.

    How to Use

    There are 4 files that must be included, for the menu to work perfectly. These are;

    • Engaged.css
    • Engaged.js
    • Font-awesome.css
    • jQuery.js


    Demo is included with with other files. Demo contain four different navigation menus. You may choose your own style and alignement, or even the full width on top.

    How to change animation

    By default only one animation will work if demo.js is removed. If user want to change the animation open file engaged.js and find "openDownLeft" in here;

            $(this).addClass("magictime openDownLeft");
               $(this).removeClass("magictime openDownLeft");
    Now instead of "openDownLeft" following animations can be selected.
    • openDownLeft
    • openDownRight
    • openUpLeft
    • openUpRight
    • twisterInDown
    • twisterInUp
    • swap
    • puffIn
    • vanishIn
    • openDownLeftRetourn
    • openDownRightRetourn
    • perspectiveDownRetourn
    • perspectiveUpRetourn
    • perspectiveLeftRetourn
    • perspectiveRightRetourn
    • slideDown
    • slideLeft
    • slideRight
    • tinRightIn
    • tinLeftIn
    • tinUpIn
    • tinDownIn

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