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    A tiny tool for easily loading html fragments and templates
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    A minimalistic tool for easily loading html fragments



    Fragment.js allows you to load html fragments into any element, by just adding a data-fragment attribute.

    <div data-fragment="fragment.html"></div>

    Templating example

    You can also use it for loading templates with the data-fragment-json attribute. Mustache, Handlebars and Underscore are supported by default and will automatically be used if they're available in the global scope. But you can just override the window.fragment.render function if you want to use something else.

    <div data-fragment-json="fragment.json">This is {{adjective}}!</div>

    HTML as JSON

    If the element already has an innerHTML, you only use the data-fragment attribute, and don't provide a custom renderer; fragment.js will attempt to render Mustache, Handlebars then Underscore with the innerHTML as input.

    <div data-fragment="mustache-fragment.html">{"adjective":"fantastic"}</div>


    Of course, combining the two attributes also works.

    <div data-fragment="mustache-fragment.html" data-fragment-json="fragment.json"></div>

    Media queries

    To only load certain fragments dependning on media queries, use the data-fragment-media attribute.

    <div data-fragment="fragment.html" data-fragment-media="(max-width: 250px)"></div>

    Configuring fragment.js


    To override the attribute names, just change fragment.html and fragment.json

    fragment.html = 'src';
    fragment.json = 'json';
    <div data-src="mustache-fragment.html" data-json="fragment.json"></div>

    JavaScript interface

    To manually evaluate an element, or the complete document manually, set the manual toggle to true (before including the script).

    fragment = { manual: true };

    And the following (after including the script)

    fragment.evaluate(element); // evaluate just one element
    fragment.evaluate(); // evaluate the whole document


    Simply use bower.

    bower install fragment.js


    If you have any questions or suggestions that doesn't fit GitHub, send them to @DanielRapp

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