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    GameJs is a thin library on top of the HTML canvas element. In addition to the drawing functions it has a set of generally helpful modules for game development.
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    GameJs is a JavaScript library for writing 2D games or other interactive graphic applications for the HTML Canvas.


    Drawing on the screen

    • image loading image files
    • graphics image transformation (rotate, transform,...) and drawing with geometric shapes
    • font rendering text

    Mouse and keyboard

    • event Recieve events for user input


    • audio Playback with multiple channels

    Game logic




    See the examples directory for working examples.


    HTML File loads GameJs and sets the main module:

    <script src="./public/gamejs.min.js"></script>

    The main module javascript/main.js starts the application:

    var gamejs = require('gamejs');
    gamejs.ready(function() {
        var display = gamejs.display.getSurface();

    GameJs as a CommonJs package with browserify

    GameJs is a CommonJs package published on NPM. To use it with browserify install the GameJs package in your game's directory:

    $ npm install gamejs

    And install browserify, if you don't already have it.

    $ npm install -g browserify

    You can then bundle your application ("main.js") with all its dependencies - including GameJs - like so:

    $ browserify ./main.js --out bundled.js

    More Help

    See the GameJs Website for more help or drop us an email in the Mailing List.

    Example application can be found in the examples/ directory.

    Development - How to build

    GameJs consists of CommonJs modules in ./src/ which we build and jshint with grunt. If you don't already have node and npm, install those. You will also need java on your path for building the distribution file.

    Install grunt:

    $ npm install -g grunt-cli

    In the GameJs folder you cloned, install the dependencies to build using npm:

    $ npm install

    Build GameJs:

    $ grunt

    This will create the gamejs-VERSION.js file and a minified gamejs-VERSION.min.js which you can use standalone in the browser, as demonstrated in the examples.

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