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    Handlebars Helpers

    A small collection of useful helpers for Handlebars.js
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    Handlebars Helpers

    A small collection of useful helpers for Handlebars.js.

    Build Status

    This version includes a (very) large API change. Use version 1.1.0 if you'd prefer the "classic" style.

    To use, just include helpers.js after you include Handlebars. Or, if you're using AMD/Node, just require the file.

    Provided Helpers

    The old if_eq, if_gt, unless_gte etc. helpers are now replaced with a much cleaner is helper.


    Given one argument, is acts exactly like if:

    {{#is x}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

    Given two arguments, is compares the two are equal (a non-strict, == comparison, so 5 == '5' is true)

    {{#is x y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

    Given three arguments, the second argument becomes the comparator.

    {{#is x "not" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is 5 ">=" 2}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

    Several comparators are built-in:

    • == (same as not providing a comparator)
    • !=
    • not (alias for !=)
    • ===
    • !==
    • >
    • >=
    • <
    • <=
    • in (check a value exists in either a comma-separated string, or an array, see below)
    // Loose equality checking
    {{#is x y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "==" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "!=" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "not" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    // Strict equality checking
    {{#is x "===" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "!==" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    // Greater/Less Than
    {{#is x ">" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x ">=" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "<" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "<=" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    // In comma separated list, or array
    {{#is x "in" "foo,bar"}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}
    {{#is x "in" anArray}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

    Registering Custom is comparators

    You can extend the provided comparators by registering your own, like so:

    // in browser
    HandlebarsHelpersRegistry.add('same', function (left, right) { return left === right; });
    // with AMD/Node
    var HandlebarsHelpersRegistry = require('path/to/helpers');
    HandlebarsHelpersRegistry.add('same', function (left, right) { return left === right; });
    // usage
    var template = '{{#is x "same" y}} Are the same {{else}} Not the same {{/is}}';
    Handlebars.compile(template)({ x: 5, y: '5' }); // => " Not the same "


    Log one or multiple values to the console:

    {{log foo bar}}

    Log one or multiple values to the console, with the current context:

    {{debug foo bar}}


    Convert new lines (\r\n, \n\r, \r, \n) to line breaks

    {{nl2br description}}
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