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    A simple utility library for making the web more humane. #hubspot-open-source
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    Humanize Plus

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    A simple utility library for making the web more humane.

    Getting Started

    Humanize Plus is available via node package manager.

    npm install humanize-plus

    Or download the minified version or the full version.

    In your web page:

    <script src="public/humanize.min.js"></script>
    var capitalized = Humanize.capitalize("ten tiny ducklings.")
    // "Ten tiny ducklings."

    In your node package.json:

    "dependencies": {
      "humanize-plus": "^1.7.0"

    For recent changes, see the changelog.

    API Methods



    Formats a number to a human-readable string. Localize by overriding the precision, thousand and decimal arguments.

    Humanize.formatNumber(123456789, 2)
    // "123,456,789.00"

    Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.

    // "123,456,789"
    intcomma - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Alias for intComma

    intword - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. This method is now a thin wrapper around compactInteger

    Humanize.intword(num, ch, de) === Humanize.compactInteger(num, de)

    Humanize.intword(123456789, 'nopnopnopnop', 1)
    // "123.5M"
    Humanize.intword(123456789, 'this is a nop', 3)
    // "123.457M"
    Humanize.intword(10, 'still a nop', 1)
    // "10"

    Converts an integer into its most compact representation. Decimal precision is ignored for all integers, n, such that abs(n) < 1000.

    Humanize.compactInteger(123456789, 1)
    // "123.5M"
    // Switch to scientific notation for trillons, because no one knows those abbreviations.
    Humanize.compactInteger(-7832186132456328967, 4)
    // "-7.8322x10^18"
    Humanize.compactInteger(-100, 2)
    // "-100"

    Bounds a value from above. Modified values have customizable ending strings ('+' by default)

    Humanize.boundedNumber(110, 100)
    // "100+"
    Humanize.boundedNumber(50, 100)
    // "50"
    truncatenumber - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Alias for boundedNumber


    Converts an integer to its ordinal as a string.

    // "22nd"

    Interprets numbers as occurences. Also accepts an optional array/map of overrides.

    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
      Humanize.times(i, {"4": "too many"});
      // Bonus!
      if (i === 1) {
    // never
    // once
    // 1.1 times
    // twice
    // 3 times
    // too many times

    Matches a pace (value and interval) with a logical time frame. Very useful for slow paces.

    second = 1000
    week = 6.048e8
    decade = 3.156e11
    Humanize.pace(1.5, second, "heartbeat")
    // Approximately 2 heartbeats per second
    Humanize.pace(4, week)
    // Approximately 4 times per week
    Humanize.pace(1, decade, "life crisis")
    // Less than 1 life crisis per week

    Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. '13 KB', '4.1 MB', '102 bytes', etc).

    Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 20)
    // "20 Kb"
    Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 2000)
    // "1.95 Mb"
    Humanize.fileSize(Math.pow(1000, 4))
    // "931.32 Gb"
    filesize - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Alias for fileSize


    Returns the plural version of a given word if the value is not 1. The default suffix is 's'.

    Humanize.pluralize(1, "duck")
    // "duck"
    Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck")
    // "ducks"
    Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck", "duckies")
    // "duckies"



    Truncates a string if it is longer than the specified number of characters. Truncated strings will end with a translatable ellipsis sequence ("…").

    Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you')
    // "long text is good for you"
    Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19)
    // "long text is goo..."
    Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19, '... etc')
    // "long text is... etc"

    Truncates a string after a certain number of words.

    Humanize.truncateWords('long text is good for you', 5)
    // "long text is good for ..."
    truncatewords - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Alias for truncateWords

    nl2br and br2nl

    Flexible conversion of <br/> tags to newlines and vice versa.

    // Use your imagination

    Capitalizes the first letter in a string, optionally downcasing the tail.

    Humanize.capitalize("some boring string")
    // "Some boring string"
    // "WHoOaA!"
    Humanize.capitalize("wHoOaA!", true)
    // "Whooaa!"

    Captializes the first letter of every word in a string.

    Humanize.capitalizeAll("some boring string")
    // "Some Boring String"

    Intelligently capitalizes eligible words in a string and normalizes internal whitespace.

    Humanize.titleCase("some of a boring string")
    // "Some of a Boring String"
    Humanize.titleCase("cool the          iTunes cake, O'Malley!")
    // "Cool the iTunes Cake, O'Malley!"
    titlecase - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

    Alias for titleCase



    Converts a list of items to a human readable string with an optional limit.

    items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'pineapple']
    // "apple, orange, banana, pear, and pineapple"
    Humanize.oxford(items, 3)
    // "apple, orange, banana, and 2 others"
    // Pluralizes properly too!
    Humanize.oxford(items, 4)
    // "apple, orange, banana, pear, and 1 other"
    Humanize.oxford(items, 3, "and some other fruits")
    // "apple, orange, banana, and some other fruits"

    Describes how many times an item appears in a list

    catPics = [
    dogPics = []
    "Cats " + Humanize.frequency(catPics, "typed on keyboards")
    // "Cats typed on keyboards 3 times"
    "Dogs " + Humanize.frequency(docPics, "typed on keyboards")
    // "Dogs never typed on keyboards"

    Utility methods


    Fixes binary rounding issues (eg. (0.615).toFixed(2) === "0.61").

    Humanize.toFixed(0.615, 2)
    // "0.62"

    Ensures precision value is a positive integer.

    // 232

    Important notes

    Please don't edit files in the dist subdirectory as they are generated through compilation. You'll find source code in the src subdirectory!


    npm run install && npm run build

    And that's it!

    The project will compile the CoffeeScript files into the dist subdirectory.


    npm run test


    Copyright (c) 2013-2016 HubSpotDev Licensed under the MIT license.

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