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    jQuery Knob

    Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
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    jQuery Knob

    • canvas based ; no png or jpg sprites.
    • touch, mouse and mousewheel, keyboard events implemented.
    • downward compatible ; overloads an input element.


    <input type="text" value="75" class="dial">
        $(function() {


    Options are provided as attributes 'data-option':

    <input type="text" class="dial" data-min="-50" data-max="50">

    ... or in the "knob()" call :


    The following options are supported :

    Behaviors :

    • min : min value | default=0.
    • max : max value | default=100.
    • step : step size | default=1.
    • angleOffset : starting angle in degrees | default=0.
    • angleArc : arc size in degrees | default=360.
    • stopper : stop at min & max on keydown/mousewheel | default=true.
    • readOnly : disable input and events | default=false.
    • rotation : direction of progression | default=clockwise.

    UI :

    • cursor : display mode "cursor", cursor size could be changed passing a numeric value to the option, default width is used when passing boolean value "true" | default=gauge.
    • thickness : gauge thickness.
    • lineCap : gauge stroke endings. | default=butt, round=rounded line endings
    • width : dial width.
    • height : dial height.
    • displayInput : default=true | false=hide input.
    • displayPrevious : default=false | true=displays the previous value with transparency.
    • fgColor : foreground color.
    • inputColor : input value (number) color.
    • font : font family.
    • fontWeight : font weight.
    • bgColor : background color.


            'release' : function (v) { /*make something*/ }
    • 'release' : executed on release

      Parameters :

      • value : int, current value
    • 'change' : executed at each change of the value

      Parameters :

      • value : int, current value
    • 'draw' : when drawing the canvas

      Context :

      • this.g : canvas context 2D (see Canvas documentation)
      • this.$ : jQuery wrapped element
      • this.o : options
      • this.i : input
      • ... console.log(this);
    • 'cancel' : triggered on [esc] keydown

    • 'format' : allows to format output (add unit %, ms ...)

    The scope (this) of each hook function is the current Knob instance (refer to the demo code).


    <input type="text" value="75" class="dial">
            'change' : function (v) { console.log(v); }

    Dynamically configure


    Set the value


    Supported browser

    Tested on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE>=8.0 (IE8.0 with excanvas).


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