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    J Query Selectric

    jQuery plugin for easy manipulation and customization of HTML selects
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    JS.ORG Travis npm jsDelivr Hits

    jQuery Selectric icon

    jQuery Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.

    • Keyboard navigation (Up/Down/Left/Right/Word search)
    • Easily customizable
    • Pretty lightweight
    • Options box always stay visible
    • Doesn't rely on external libraries (besides jQuery)
    • Word search works with western latin characters set (for example: á, ñ, ç...)


    How to use:

    Install via NPM:

    npm install selectric

    Make sure to include jQuery in your page:

    <script src=""></script>

    Include jQuery Selectric:

    <script src="js/jquery.selectric.min.js"></script>

    Include jQuery Selectric styles, and change it to your taste :D (please refer to our demo page for more themes and other customizations)

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="selectric.css">

    Initialize jQuery Selectric:

    $(function() {


    You can pass an options object as the first parameter when you call the plugin. For example:

      maxHeight: 200
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called before plugin initialize
      onBeforeInit: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called plugin has been fully initialized
      onInit: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called before select options opens
      onBeforeOpen: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called after select options opens
      onOpen: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called before select options closes
      onBeforeClose: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called after select options closes
      onClose: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called before select options change
      onBeforeChange: function() {},
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called when select options change
      onChange: function(element) {
       * Type: Function
       * Description: Function called when the Selectric is refreshed
      onRefresh: function() {},
       * Type: Integer
       * Description: Maximum height options box can be
      maxHeight: 300,
       * Type: Integer
       * Description: After this time without pressing
       *              any key, the search string is reset
      keySearchTimeout: 500,
       * Type: String [HTML]
       * Description: Markup for open options button
      arrowButtonMarkup: '&lt;b class=&quot;button&quot;&gt;&amp;#x25be;&lt;/b&gt;',
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Initialize plugin on mobile browsers
      disableOnMobile: false,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Open select box on hover, instead of click
      openOnHover: false,
       * Type: Integer
       * Description: Timeout to close options box after mouse leave plugin area
      hoverIntentTimeout: 500,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Expand options box past wrapper
      expandToItemText: false,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: The select element become responsive
      responsive: false,
       * Type: Object
       * Description: Customize classes.
      customClass: {
        prefix: 'selectric', // Type: String.  Description: Prefixed string of every class name.
        camelCase: false     // Type: Boolean. Description: Switch classes style between camelCase or dash-case.
       * Type: String or Function
       * Description: Define how each option should be rendered inside its <li> element.
       *              If it's a string, all keys wrapped in brackets will be replaced by
       *              the respective values in itemData. Available keys are:
       *              'value', 'text', 'slug', 'index'.
       *              If it's a function, it will be called with the following parameter:
       *              (itemData). The function must return a string. If available all keys
       *              will be replaced by the respective values in itemData.
       *              itemData<Object> {
       *                 className // Type: String.          Description: option class names.
       *                 disabled  // Type: Boolean.         Description: option is disabled true/false
       *                 selected  // Type: Boolean.         Description: option is selected true/false
       *                 element   // Type: HTMLDomElement.  Description: current select element
       *                 index     // Type: Number.          Description: current option index
       *                 slug      // Type: String.          Description: option slug
       *                 text      // Type: String.          Description: option text
       *                 value     // Type: String.          Description: option value
       *              }
       *              EXAMPLE:
       *              function(itemData) {
       *                  return '{text}';
       *              }
       *              // you're free to build and return your own strings
       *              function(itemData) {
       *                  return itemData.text + '(' + itemData.index + ')';
       *              }
      optionsItemBuilder: '{text}',
       * Type: String or Function
       * Description: Define how each select label should be rendered. Allows HTML.
       *              If it's a string, all keys wrapped in brackets will be replaced by
       *              the respective values in currItem. Available keys are:
       *              'value', 'text', 'slug', 'disabled'.
       *              If it's a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
       *              (currItem). The function must return a string, no keys will be
       *              replaced in this method.
      labelBuilder: '{text}',
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Prevent scroll on window when using mouse wheel inside options box
       *              to match common browsers behavior.
      preventWindowScroll: true,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Inherit width from original element
      inheritOriginalWidth: false,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: call stopProgation on onOpen click event
      stopPropagation: true,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: Determine if current selected option should jump to
       *              first (or last) once reach the end (or start) item of list upon
       *              keyboard arrow navigation.
      allowWrap: true,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: By default the options box gets opened above if it's outside the window.
       *              In case this auto detection doesn't work as expected (e.g. in transform/relative scopes)
       *              you may force opening above.
      forceRenderAbove: false,
       * Type: Boolean
       * Description: In some cases the options box gets opened above even though the desired behavior would be below.
       *              If the auto dectection doesn't work as expected you may force opening below.
      forceRenderBelow: false,
       * Type: Object
       * Description: Customize select "multiple" behavior
      multiple: {
        separator: ', ',       // Type: String.             Description: Items separator.
        keepMenuOpen: true,    // Type: Boolean.            Description: Close after an item is selected.
        maxLabelEntries: false // Type: Boolean or Integer. Description: Max selected items do show.


    All events are called on original element, first argument is the original element too. And can be bound like this:

    $('select').on('eventname', function(element) {
      // your code

    eventname can be one of the following:

    Event name Description
    selectric-before-init Fired before plugin initialize
    selectric-init Fired plugin has been fully initialized
    selectric-before-open Fired before select options opens
    selectric-open Fired after select options opens
    selectric-before-close Fired before select options closes
    selectric-close Fired after select options closes
    selectric-before-highlight Fired before a select option is highlighted
    selectric-highlight Fired when a select option is highlighted
    selectric-before-select Fired before a select option is selected
    selectric-select Fired before a select option is selected
    selectric-before-change Fired before select options change
    selectric-change Fired when select options change
    selectric-refresh Fired when the Selectric is refreshed

    Public methods:

    var Selectric = $('select').data('selectric');;    // Open options
    Selectric.close();   // Close options
    Selectric.destroy(); // Destroy select and go back to normal
    Selectric.refresh(); // Reconstruct the plugin options box
    Selectric.init();    // Reinitialize the plugin
    // Or...
    $('select').selectric('open');    // Open options
    $('select').selectric('close');   // Close options
    $('select').selectric('destroy'); // Destroy select and go back to normal
    $('select').selectric('refresh'); // Reconstruct the plugin options box
    $('select').selectric('init');    // Reinitialize the plugin

    Browser support:

    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Internet Explorer 7+
    • Opera
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