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    Zen Coding | Markup | Template | HMVC
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    MaskJS — is a markup | template | modular HMVC engine for modern and fast web(Browser), server(NodeJS) or mobile(PhoneGap) applications. Component-based architecture simplifies defining, implementing and composing loosely coupled independent elements into a single application.


    1 Markup

    We support mask and html syntax for writing your templates. And you can even mix them within one template, as each of them has its advantages.

    1.1 Mask Syntax
    • Component and element-based markup
    • Statements, Expressions, Interpolations
    • Performance. No precompilation is required
    • Small size. ~30% smaller than HTML Additionaly, there is a minification tool - Optimizer.
    • DOM Builder [Template → Mask AST → Shadow DOM → Live DOM]
    • HTML Builder (nodejs) [Template → Mask AST → HTML]
    import CustomComponent from 'Foo.mask'
    .container {
        h4 > 'Title'
        section.content {
            span > 'Hello ~name!'
            if (admins.includes(name)) {
                em > 'Admin'
        CustomComponent {
            button x-tap='changeName' >
                '~[bind: name]'
            for (tag of tags) {
                h4 > '~tag.title'
    1.2 HTML Syntax

    Here is nothing new for you. Old good HTML syntax to define the templates. But we highly encourage to use the mask syntax, as the templates are smaller, cleaner and with additional features.

        <div>Hello Foo</div>
    1.3 HTML within Mask

    You can even use html blocks in a mask syntax

    ul {
        <li> Foo
        <li> Bar

    MaskJS has extremely extendable API based on interfaces and contracts. It supports Custom Tag Handlers, Custom Attribute Handlers, Model Utils.

    MaskJS default build contains sub projects: CompoJS, Bindings, jMask.

    2 Libaries

    :package: All packages are already embedded into MaskJS sources.

    2.1 Components


    Core of the HMVC engine. Simple compo sample:

    export class CustomComponentCtr {
        // slots example
        onRefreshDate (){
   = new Date();
        domInsert (){
        // events example
        @mask.deco.event('click: button')
        onButtonClicked (){
        onRenderStart (model, ctx) {
            // override model
            this.model = { date: new Date(); }
        onRenderEnd: function(elements, model, ctx){
            this.$ // is a domLibrary (jQuery-lite, jQuery/Zepto/Kimbo) wrapper over `elements`
        dispose () {
            // do some cleanup
    import './CustomComponent.less'
    import CustomComponentCtr from './CustomComponentCtr.ts'
    define CustomComponent extends CustomComponentCtr {
        h1 {
            'Date ~[bind: _.formatDate(date)]'
        button .btn x-tap='onRefreshDate' {
            i.material-icons > 'update'

    2.2 Bindings

    :orangebook: Read more... IE9+_

    MaskJS itself supports simple interpolations. It means the models are only accessed while render, but with this feature you can define single or dual bindings. As MaskJS is a DOM based engine, the bindings are instant.

    Simple bindings sample:

    h4 > '~[bind: fooDate.getSeconds() * barAge ]'
    input type=date >
        dualbind value='fooDate';
    input type=number >
        dualbind value='barAge';
     * `dualbind` component also supports much more properties and configurations

    2.3 jMask


    jMask offers jQuery-alike syntax for the dynamic MaskDOM Manipulations.

    2.4 jQuery

    MaskJS is loosely coupled with the DOM Library, like jQuery-Zepto-Kimbo. It means, that it does not depend on any DOM library, but it is highly recommended to use one. Additionally there are some extensions, like

    $('.foo').appendMask('h4 > "~[title]"', { title: 'Hello' });

    So you would never need to use the HTML.

    2.5 Dependency Injection


    You can annotate arguments for define declaration or for its constructor and if you don't provide the values on initialization MaskJS will do it for you using registered IoC container.

    The library is not include, you can use any other DI library. MaskJS only requires an IoC container with a single method: .resolve(Type):Any.

    import * as IStore from services;
    define UserList (store: IStore) {
        foreach (user of store.getUsers()) {
            div > '~user.username'
        // or in constructor
        function constructor (store: IStore) {
   = store;

    3 Performance

    We thoroughly pay attention to the performance, especially on the mobile CPU. The DOM based and the Shadow DOM approach is the fastest way to create hierarchical component structure.

    Some benchmarks:

    4 Node.JS

    MaskJS on the server

    :orange_book: Mask.Node Server.Lib

    • HMVC benefits
    • Models serialization/de-serialization
    • Components render mode - server, client or both
    • HTML rendered output with further bootstrapping on the client, so that the components are initialized, all events and bindings are attached
    • Application start performance: browser receives ready html for rendering.
    • SEO

    5 Browser Support

    • IE7+

    6 Plugins

    There are already many plugins, components and useful utilities. Some of them worth to checking out:

    7 Quick Start

    Most simple MaskJS sample to show where you could start from:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script type='text/mask' data-run='auto'>
                import Counter from './Counter';
                h4 > 'Counter with 1 second step'
                Counter x-interval=1;
                h4 > 'Counter with 5 seconds step'
                Counter x-interval=5;
            <script src=''></script>
    // Create the file `Counter.mask`
    define Counter {
        var meta = {
            attributes: {
                'x-interval': 'number'
        var scope = {
            counter: 0,
            timer: null
        slot domInsert () {
            this.scope.timer = setTimeout(() => {
            }, this.xInterval)
        function dispose () {
        div > '~[bind: this.scope.counter]

    8 Contribute

    8.1 Build

    $ git submodule init && git submodule update
    $ npm install
    $ npm run build

    8.2 Test

    $ npm install
    $ npm test

    9 Changelog

    :bookmark: View complete list... @latest

    • 0.64.0
    • Properties

        div [style.backgroundColor] = 'red';


    • 0.60.0
    • Await statements, components and also modules

        define Foo {
            function async onRenderStart () {
                this.model = await LoadUserExample();
            h4 > '~userName'
        // Component
        await Foo {
            @progress > i > 'Loading user';
        // Promises
        await (this.getCurrentUser()) {
            @progress > i > 'Loading user';
            @done (user) {
                h4 > '~user.userName'
            @fail (error) {
                .danger > '~error.message'
        // Modules
        import async Foo from './Foo';
        heading > 'Some heading'
        await Foo {
            @progress > 'Loading and initilizing the module'
    • 0.58.0

    • Decorators for methods and nodes

        div > 'Hello ~user'
        function doSmth () {
            // ...
    • Async and Private methods. For browsers which do not yet support async/await es2017 feature, please use postmask-babel plugin.

        slot private async upload () {
            await MyService.doSmth();
    • 0.57.13
    • Modules

      • Namespace routing

          import FooService from services;
          h4 > '~FooService.doSmth()'

        You can also configurate the base path for the routing, e.g. mask.Module.cfg('baseNs', '/src/')

        If the module is not loaded or not set to the namespace repository, we will load it for you by the resolved path, e.g. '/src/services/FooService.js'

      • Prefix routing

          import MyButton from '@controls/MyButton';
          MyButton x-tap='clicked';

        You have to configurate the prefix first, e.g.:

          mask.Module.cfg('prefixes.controls', '/src/controls/{0}/{1}.mask');
    • 0.57.0

    • Typa annotations for arguments: (argumentName: argumentType, ...)

        import * as IFoo from '/service/IFoo.js';
        import * as IBar from '/service/IBar.js';
        define MyCompo (foo: IFoo) {
            function constructor (bar: IBar) {
       = bar;
            span > `~[foo.someMethod()]`
    • 0.56.5

    • Function scope: imports and define arguments

        import * as Service from '/services/UserService.js';
        define UserEditor (user) {
            slot save () {
                    .then(() => console.log('saved!'));
            input > dualbind value='';
            button x-tap=save > 'Save'
    • sync imports, as import loading for better performance is parallel, but bundles should be loaded in sync, as they register all resources then.

    import sync from './MyComponentsBundle';
    import FooCompo from './Foo';
    // ...
    • 0.55.1

      • HTML markup within Mask templates
    • 0.55.0

      • Async imports.

          import async Foo from './Foo.mask';
          h4 > 'MyHeader'
          await Foo;

        h4 header is rendered during the Foo may still being loaded.

      • define and let support arguments

          define Foo (user) {
              h4 > ''
          mask.render(template, { me: { name: 'TestUser' }});

    :copyright: MIT - 2021 Atma.js Project

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