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    Movie focused HTML5 Player
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    • 🔾51%Overall
    • 1,710
    • 12.2 days
    • 🕩139
    • 👥4

    Demo ▪️ Installation ▪️ Shortcuts ▪️ API ▪️ Integrations ▪️ Events
    Styling ▪️ Plugins
    ▪️ Custom Events ▪️ i18n ▪️ Settings

    ◼️ Features: -

    • 🔧 Fully customizable and Easy-to-use
    • 💎 Built-in caption offset adjust on the fly
    • 🎬 Built-in support for .vtt and .srt caption files
    • 🕹 Built-in Plugins, use the code that you really need!
    • 🎯 Built-in CustomEvents, add multiple events that will run a specific currentTime
    • 🖊 Add tracks/captions dynamically using our API
    • 🗃 Add tracks/captions locally on the fly (no server or upload required)
    • 🌠 Adjust speed on the fly
    • 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API
    • 🖌 Caption customization
    • 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS
    • 🌎 Tested in all modern browsers
    • 💻 Responsive
    • 🗃 Integration with webtorrent.js, dash.js, Shaka Player and hls.js
    • 🌎 Internationalization (i18n) of controls

    ◼️ Demo: -

    ◼️ Installation (Browser): -

    1 - Include JavaScript Source.

    <script src="path/to/moovie.js"></script>

    2 - Include Styles.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/moovie.css">

    3 - Set HTML.

    <video id="example" poster="<<path-to-poster>>">
      <source src="<<path-to-file.mp4>>" type="video/mp4">
      <track kind="captions" label="Portuguese" srclang="pt" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
      <track kind="captions" label="English" srclang="en" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
      Your browser does not support the video tag.

    4 - Initilize.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
       var demo = new Moovie({
         selector: "#example",
         dimensions: {
              width: "100%"
    Note: Do not forget to include "icons" folder.

    ◼️ Installation (NPM): - 1 - Install npm package

    npm i mooviejs

    2 - Include Styles.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/moovie.css">

    3 - Set HTML.

    <video id="example" poster="<<path-to-poster>>">
      <source src="<<path-to-file.mp4>>" type="video/mp4">
      <track kind="captions" label="Portuguese" srclang="pt" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
      <track kind="captions" label="English" srclang="en" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt>>">
      Your browser does not support the video tag.

    4 - Initilize.

    const Moovie = require('mooviejs');
    var demo = new Moovie({
         selector: "#example",
         dimensions: {
              width: "100%"
         icons: {
            path: "<path/to/icons/folder>"

    ◼️ CDN: - You can use our CDN (provided by JSDelivr) for the JavaScript and CSS files.

    // Javascript
    <script src=""></script>
    // CSS
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    ◼️ Captions: - Currently it has full support for WebVTT(.vtt) and SubRip(.srt).

    ▪️ Dynamically (Public server required)

    Use the standard html as the example below (source must be in a public server with cross-origin headers).

      <track kind="captions" label="<<Language>>" srclang="<<SourceLang>>" src="<<path-to-caption.vtt/.srt>>">

    ▪️ Locally (No server or upload required)

    Since browsers won't let you display subtitles loaded locally, you can use moovie's built-in feature that allows you to add local subtitles without a server or any kind of upload.

    When loading caption files locally, be sure to save the file with UTF-8 encoding, otherwise you will encounter some decryption errors like "�"

    Video Player ➔ ⚙️ ➔ Captions ➔ Load Locally

    ⚠️ This method DOES NOT load anything into server/folder/directory.

    ◼️ Caption Offset Adjust: -

    It is possible to adjust the offset by a total of 10 seconds (-5 / +5) on the fly.

    ◼️ Shortcuts: -

    A player will bind the following keyboard shortcuts when it has focus.

    Key Description
    SpaceBar Toggle Play
    K Toggle Play
    F Toggle Fullscreen
    C Toggle Captions
    M Toggle Mute
    ArrowRight Forward 5s
    ArrowLeft Backward 5s
    Shift+W Increase caption's size
    Shift+S Decrease caption's size

    ◼️ API > Methods: -

    togglePlay: Play/Pause video


    toggleSubtitles: Enable/Disable subtitles


    toggleFullscreen: Enable/Disable fullscreen


    destroy: Remove current player and unbinds all its events


    build: Build a new player;

    addTrack: Add multiple/single captions to player

    Name Type Default Description
    label string New Subtitle Name of the new subtitle in the caption box
    srclang string New Country designation
    src string --- Path to the file [Can not be empty]
      options : {
            0: {
                label: 'Italian',
                srclang: "it",
                src: "<<path-to-file.vtt/.srt"
            1: {
                label: 'Spanish',
                srclang: "es",
                src: "<<path-to-file.vtt/.srt"
        onComplete: function(){

    change: Apply changes to current player.

    Name Type Description
    video > videoSrc string New video's source
    video > posterSrc string New poster's source
    captions > clearCaptions boolean Remove all available captions in the menu
         video: {
             videoSrc: "<<path-to-video>>",
             posterSrc: "<<path-to-poster>>"
             clearCaptions: true
        onComplete: function(){

    ◼️ API > Gets: -

    // Returns player DOM element
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is playing.
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is paused.
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is stopped.
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player has finished playback.
    // Returns currentTime of the player. 
    // Returns the duration for the current media.
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is seeking.
    // Returns the volume of the player.
    // Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is muted.
    // Returns current playRate 
    // Returns mininum speed allowed
    // Returns maximum speed allowed
    // Returns mininum caption offset allowed
    // Returns maximum caption offset allowed
    // Returns current caption offset
    // Returns current source of the player

    ◼️ API > Sets: -

    // Set currentTime to given number(seconds)
    demo.currentTime = 60
    // Set player's volume to given number (0.5 is half the volume)
    demo.volume = 0.5
    // Set player's playbackRate to given number (0.1 to 8)
    demo.speed = 2
    // Set player's caption offset to given number (-5 to 5)
    demo.captionOffset = 2
    // Mute or Unmute player (boolean)
    demo.muted = true

    ◼️ Integrations: - | | Name & Info | Example | | :-: | :-: | --- | || WebTorrent
    For more info read WebTorrent documentation.
    | Codepen| || dash.js
    For more info read dash.js documentation. | Codepen| || Shaka Player
    For more info read Shaka Player documentation. | Codepen| || hls.js
    For more info read hls.js documentation. | Codepen|

    ◼️ Events: -

    Using Standard Media Events you can listen for events on the target element you setup. check the example below:"canplay", (event) => {
    Event Description
    abort Sent when playback is aborted; for example, if the media is playing and is restarted from the beginning, this event is sent.
    canplay Sent when enough data is available that the media can be played, at least for a couple of frames.
    canplaythrough Sent when the readyState changes to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA, indicating that the entire media can be played without interruption, assuming the download rate remains at least at the current level.
    durationchange The metadata has loaded or changed, indicating a change in duration of the media.
    emptied The media has become empty; for example, this event is sent if the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the load() method is called to reload it.
    error Sent when an error occurs. The element's error attribute contains more information.
    interruptbegin Sent when audio playing on a Firefox OS device is interrupted, either because the app playing the audio is sent to the background, or audio in a higher priority audio channel begins to play.
    interruptend Sent when previously interrupted audio on a Firefox OS device commences playing again — when the interruption ends.
    loadeddata The first frame of the media has finished loading.
    loadedmetadata The media's metadata has finished loading; all attributes now contain as much useful information as they're going to.
    loadstart Sent when loading of the media begins.
    pause Sent when the playback state is changed to paused (paused property is true).
    play Sent when the playback state is no longer paused, as a result of the play method, or the autoplay attribute.
    playing Sent when the media has enough data to start playing, after the play event, but also when recovering from being stalled, when looping media restarts, and after seeked, if it was playing before seeking.
    progress Sent periodically to inform interested parties of progress downloading the media. Information about the current amount of the media that has been downloaded is available in the media element's buffered attribute.
    ratechange Sent when the playback speed changes.
    seeked Sent when a seek operation completes.
    seeking Sent when a seek operation begins.
    stalled Sent when the user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming.
    suspend Sent when loading of the media is suspended; this may happen either because the download has completed or because it has been paused for any other reason.
    timeupdate The time indicated by the element's currentTime attribute has changed.
    volumechange Sent when the audio volume changes (both when the volume is set and when the muted attribute is changed).
    waiting Sent when the requested operation (such as playback) is delayed pending the completion of another operation (such as a seek).
    captionchange Sent when subtitles are changed
    offsetchange Sent when subtitles's offset has changed
    togglecaption Sent when subtitles's state is changed

    ◼️ Styling > Colors: -

    Using CSS Custom Properties you can easily customize your own player.
    Check below a list of variables and what they are used for:

    Name Description Default
    --moovie_main_color Moovie main color #3191f7
    --moovie_bg_controls Background color when hover the buttons rgba(16, 34, 62, 0.6)
    --moovie_bg_submenu Submenu background color #f7f7f7
    --moovie_bg_cuetimer Cuetimer background color #2b2b2b
    --moovie_submenu_options_fcolor Submenu text color #515151
    --moovie_topic_submenu_fcolor Submenu topic text color #797979
    --moovie_currenttime_color CurrentTime text color white
    --moovie_submenu_options_fsize Submenu options font size 10pt
    --moovie_topic_submenu_fsize Submenu topic font size 9pt
    --moovie_currenttime_fsize CurrentTime font size 11pt
    --moovie_cuetimer_fsize Cuetimer font size 9pt
    --moovie_svgicons_width Icons size 15px
    --moovie_padding_controls Control bar padding 13px
    --moovie_caption_fcolor Captions text color white
    --moovie_cuetimer_fcolor Cuetimer text color white

    ◼️ Styling > Icons: - moovie uses .svg icons that are stored in the icons folder that is located by default in the root, however, you can specify a new location in the config options.

    config: {
        icons: {
            path: "./path/to/folder/"

    Folder structure:

    ├── icons/
    │   ├── back.svg
    │   ├── caption.svg
    │   ├── cc.svg
    │   ├── cog.svg
    │   ├── fullscreen.svg
    │   ├── mute.svg
    │   ├── next.svg
    │   ├── pause.svg
    │   ├── play.svg
    │   ├── volume.svg
    ├── css/
    │   ├── moovie.css
    ├── js/
    │   ├── moovie.js

    ◼️ Plugins: - There are external plugins you can use to add extra features.
    to call a plugin, follow the example below:

    <!-- Include plugin path after moovie.js -->
    <script src="path/to/plugin.js"></script>

    by default, plugins are located in the ./js/plugins/ folder, but you can specify a new location.

    // Initialize Moovie
    var demo = new Moovie({selector: "#example"});
    // Call External Plugin (Playlist example)
    var PlaylistPlugin = new _Moovie_Playlist({reference: demo});

    List of available plugins:

    Name Description
    _Moovie_Playlist Create a playlist of videos More info

    ◼️ Custom Events: - You can add multiple events that will run at a specific currentTime, for example:

    var demo = new Moovie({
      selector: "#example",
      customEvents: [
          type: "skip",
          to: "56",
          starttime: "10",
          endtime: "20",
          content: "Skip Intro",
          position: "bottom-left",
          class: "my_class"
    Option Parameters Description
    type skip, redirect, function Type of event. skip: skip video to given seconds, redirect: same behavior of a link, function: call a function that runs itself
    to int, string, function(){ } Parameters that will be executed
    starttime int Time the button appears (seconds)
    endtime int Time when the button will be removed (seconds)
    content string Button's content, can be used plain text or HTML
    position top-left, bottom-left, top-center, bottom-center, top-right, bottom-right Button's position
    class string Custom class

    ◼️ i18n Support: - You can translate the player to any language you want in the configurations.

    config: {
        i18n : {
              play : "(Play:Pause)",
              mute : "(Mute:Unmute)",
              subtitles : "(Enable:Disable) Subtitles",

    How translation works is very simple, all text between brackets are the "changing" parts of the string, and in the left side of the ":" is the default state string.


    Working examples:

    // English
    subtitles : "(Enable:Disable) Subtitles",
    // Portuguese
    subtitles : "(Ativar:Desativar) Legendas",
    // French
    subtitles: "(Activer:Désactiver) Les sous-titres"
    Option Default Description
    play (Play:Pause) Play button
    mute (Mutar:Desmutar) Mute button
    subtitles (Enable:Disable) Subtitles Subtitles button
    config Settings Settings button
    fullscreen (Enter:Exit) Fullscreen Fullscreen button
    main_topic settings: Submenu's topic
    main_caption Captions Submenu's caption string
    main_offset Caption Offset Submenu's offset string
    main_speed Speed Submenu's speed string
    main_disabled Disabled Submenu's caption state
    main_default Default Submenu's speed default state
    caption_topic Captions: Caption's submenu topic string
    caption_back Back Caption's submenu back button
    caption_load Load Locally Caption's submenu load subtitles string
    offset_topic Adjust Caption Offset Offset's submenu topic string
    speed_topic Speed Adjust Speed's submenu topic string

    ◼️ Settings: - | Option | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | selector | String | Specify ID of the element| | ◼️ dimensions > | | | | width | string | Width of the player (you must specify the type: px, %, etc..) | | ◼️ config > storage > | | | | captionOffset| boolean | Indicates whether caption's offset adjust will be stored or not| | playrateSpeed| boolean | Indicates whether Play Speed will be stored or not| | captionSize| boolean | Indicates whether caption's size will be stored or not| | ◼️ config > controls > | | | | playtime| boolean | Indicates whether current duration will be displayed or not | | mute| boolean | Indicates whether mute button will be displayed or not | | volume| boolean | Indicates whether volume button will be displayed or not | | subtitles| boolean | Indicates whether subtitles button will be displayed or not | | config| boolean | Indicates whether config button will be displayed or not | | fullscreen| boolean | Indicates whether fullscreen button will be displayed or not | | submenuCaptions| boolean | Indicates whether captions submenu button will be displayed or not | | submenuOffset| boolean | Indicates whether offset adjust submenu button will be displayed or not | | submenuSpeed| boolean | Indicates whether speed adjust submenu button will be displayed or not | | allowLocalSubtitles| boolean | Indicates whether local subtitles is allowed or not | | ◼️ icons >| | | | path| string | Specify icons folder location |

    Full Example:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      var demo = new Moovie({
        selector: "#example",
        moovie_internalID: null, // Overwrites generated randomID
        dimensions: {
             width: "100%"
        config: {
            main : {
                loop: true
            storage: {
               captionOffset: false,
               playrateSpeed: false,
               captionSize: false
            controls : {
                playtime : true,
                mute : true,
                volume : true,
                subtitles : true,
                config : true,
                fullscreen : true,
                submenuCaptions : true,
                submenuOffset : true,
                submenuSpeed : true,
                allowLocalSubtitles : true  
            i18n : {
                play : "(Play:Pause)",
                mute : "(Mute:Unmute)",
                subtitles : "(Enable:Disable) Subtitles",
                config : "Settings",
                fullscreen : "(Enter:Exit) Fullscreen",
                main_topic: "settings:",
                main_caption: "Captions",
                main_offset: "Caption Offset",
                main_speed: "Speed",
                main_disabled: "Disabled",
                main_default: "Default",
                caption_topic: "Captions:",
                caption_back: "Back",
                caption_load: "Load Locally",
                offset_topic: "Adjust Caption Offset",
                speed_topic: "Speed Adjust"
        icons: {
            path: "./path/to/folder/"

    ◼️ Sponsors: -

    Thanks to JetBrains for supporting this project with its incredible tools!

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