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    A fun and easy way to build modern websites
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    A Fun and Easy Way to Build Modern Websites

    Punch is a simple, intuitive web publishing framework that will delight both designers and developers.

    With Punch you can...

    • Use boilerplates to quickly setup a site.
    • Write minimal templates with Mustache.
    • Create flexible site structures with inheritable layouts and partials.
    • Define page contents in JSON.
    • Use Markdown to write formatted content.
    • Use CoffeeScript and LESS if that's your thing.
    • Minify and bundle assets before serving.
    • Preview changes on the fly, while you develop.
    • Set cache headers and compress responses. (play nice with CDNs)
    • Easily publish to Amazon S3 or to a custom server with SFTP.

    Wait, There's more...

    • Use any data source for content (eg. Relational databases, Document stores or REST APIs).
    • Don't like Mustache? Switch to a different template engine of your choice.
    • Write helpers to add run-time behaviour.
    • Add custom content parsers, pre-compilers, minifiers and publishers.
    • Add hooks to run after generating a page or site.
    • Define your own publishing strategy.

    Getting Started

    • Download and install Node.js.

    • To install Punch, run npm install -g punch

    • You can create your first site by running: punch setup mysite

    • Then, go to the mysite directory and start the server: cd mysite; punch s

    • Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:9009

    • Follow the steps in hands-on tutorial.

    Note: If you experience any issues in installing Punch on Windows, please read this guide.


    For complete documentation on usage & customizations, check the Punch Guide



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