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    A keyframe animation library for JavaScript.
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    Rekapi - Keyframes for JavaScript

    Rekapi is a keyframe animation library for JavaScript. It gives you an API for:

    • Defining keyframe-based animations
    • Controlling animation playback

    Rekapi is renderer-agnostic. At its core, Rekapi does not perform any rendering. However, it does expose an API for defining renderers, and comes bundled with renderers for the HTML DOM and HTML5 2D <canvas>.

    Browser compatibility

    Rekapi officially supports Evergreen browsers.


    npm install --save rekapi

    Developing Rekapi

    First, install the dependencies via npm like so:

    npm install

    Once those are installed, you can generate dist/rekapi.js with:

    npm run build

    To run the tests in CLI:

    npm test

    To generate the documentation (dist/doc):

    npm run doc

    To generate, live-update, and view the documentation in your browser:

    npm run doc:live

    To start a development server:

    npm start

    Once that's running, you can run the tests at http://localhost:9010/test/ and view the documentation at http://localhost:9010/dist/doc/.

    Loading Rekapi

    Rekapi exposes a UMD module, so you can load it however you like:

    // ES6
    import { Rekapi, Actor } from 'rekapi';


    // AMD
    define(['rekapi'], rekapi => { });

    Or even:

    // CommonJS
    const rekapi = require('rekapi');


    Take a peek at the Network page to see all of the Rekapi contributors.


    Rekapi is distributed under the MIT license. You are encouraged to use and modify the code to suit your needs, as well as redistribute it.

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