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    Re Marked.js

    Client-side markdown generator
    Filed under 

    • 🔾20%Overall
    • 396
    • 59.7 days
    • 🕩97
    • 👥3


    client-side HTML > markdown (MIT Licensed)


    A project similar to Markdownify but executed on the client. The ultimate goal is integration with existing WYSIWYG html editors (eg: Redactor, TinyMCE, CKeditor, Loki, CLeditor) to produce Markdown output. There are currently no WYSIWYG editors for markdown, only WYSIWYM, which still require knowledge of markdown syntax and its many quirky flavors.


    demo page


    // optional options w/defaults
    var options = {
        link_list:  false,    // render links as references, create link list as appendix
        h1_setext:  true,     // underline h1 headers
        h2_setext:  true,     // underline h2 headers
        h_atx_suf:  false,    // header suffixes (###)
        gfm_code:   "```",    // gfm code blocks
        trim_code:    true,     // trim whitespace within <pre><code> blocks (full block, not per line)
        li_bullet:  "*",      // list item bullet style
        hr_char:    "-",      // hr style
        indnt_str:  "    ",   // indentation string
        bold_char:  "*",      // char used for strong
        emph_char:  "_",      // char used for em
        gfm_del:    true,     // ~~strikeout~~ for <del>strikeout</del>
        gfm_tbls:   true,     // markdown-extra tables
        tbl_edges:  false,    // show side edges on tables
        hash_lnks:  false,    // anchors w/hash hrefs as links
        br_only:    false,    // avoid using "  " as line break indicator
        col_pre:    "col ",   // column prefix to use when creating missing headers for tables
        nbsp_spc:   false,    // convert &nbsp; entities in html to regular spaces
        span_tags:  true,     // output spans (ambiguous) using html tags
        div_tags:   true,     // output divs (ambiguous) using html tags
        unsup_tags: {         // handling of unsupported tags, defined in terms of desired output style. if not listed, output = outerHTML
            // no output
            ignore: "script style noscript",
            // eg: "<tag>some content</tag>"
            inline: "span sup sub i u b center big",
            // eg: "\n\n<tag>\n\tsome content\n</tag>"
            block2: "div form fieldset dl header footer address article aside figure hgroup section",
            // eg: "\n<tag>some content</tag>"
            block1c: "dt dd caption legend figcaption output",
            // eg: "\n\n<tag>some content</tag>"
            block2c: "canvas audio video iframe"
        tag_remap: {          // remap of variants or deprecated tags to internal classes
            "i": "em",
            "b": "strong"
    var reMarker = new reMarked(options);
    var markdown = reMarker.render(document.body);
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