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    Skrollr Decks

    skrollr plugin for fullpage presentation decks
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    skrollr plugin for fullpage presentation decks


    bower i skrollr-decks
    <body class="skrollr-decks-init" data-skrollr-decks-history="true">
        <main id="skrollr-body">
            <section class="skrollr-deck"></section>
            <section class="skrollr-deck"></section>
            <section class="skrollr-deck"></section>



    • options.decks (.skrollr-deck) - decks classname
    • offset (10) - offset in percents to deck since which will autoscroll
    • duration (600) - scrolling duration
    • easing (quaratic) - scrolling easing, more
    • delay (500) - delay before scroll
    • autoscroll (true)
    • history (false) - hash navigation


    Recalc height of all decks. Need to update when content added

    ###skrollr.decks.animateTo(anchor, noAnimation)

    • anchor - #id of deck, up or down
    • noAnimation - prevents animation

    ###skrollr.decks.on(event, callback)

    • change(activeDeck) - calls when active deck is changed
    • render(e) - skrollr render event


    The MIT License (MIT)

    Copyright © 2014 Bogdan Chadkin

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