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    Smooth Scrollbar

    Customizable, Pluginable, and High Performance Scrollbars!
    Filed under 

    • 🔾64%Overall
    • 3,302
    • 10.8 days
    • 🕩388
    • 👥6
    # Smooth Scrollbar Customizable, Flexible, and High Performance Scrollbars! npm monthly downloads core size gzip size Build status Gitpod Ready-to-Code


    ⚠️ DO NOT use custom scrollbars unless you know what you are doing. Read more

    Tell us about the features you want in the next major update.

    Via NPM (recommended):

    npm install smooth-scrollbar --save

    Via Bower:

    bower install smooth-scrollbar --save

    Browser Compatibility

    Browser Version
    IE 10+
    Chrome 22+
    Firefox 16+
    Safari 8+
    Android Browser 4+
    Chrome for Android 32+
    iOS Safari 7+



    Since this package has a pkg.module field, it's highly recommended to import it as an ES6 module with some bundlers like webpack or rollup:

    import Scrollbar from 'smooth-scrollbar';

    If you are not using any bundlers, you can just load the UMD bundle:

    <script src="dist/smooth-scrollbar.js"></script>
      var Scrollbar = window.Scrollbar;


    latest 7.x


    • How to deal with position: fixed elements? #362
    • How to temporarily stop scrolling? #361
    • How to enable hash/anchor scrolling? #360
    • How to direct all scrolling to a particular direction? #359
    • How to disable scrolling in a particular direction? #357
    • more...

    Who's Using It

    • Awwwards Conference: An Event for UX / UI Designers and Web Developers.
    • Listeners Playlist: A cool music player designed by Jiyong Ahn sharing musics from the facebook group 'Listeners Playlist'.
    • Matter: A new and better way to grow your professional skills.
    • Parsons Branding: Brand strategy and design studio based in Cape Town.
    • zer0bin: Just a place to paste
    • Feel free to add yours here 🤗.




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