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    Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
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    • 34.6 days
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    Fast animations with Javascript and CSS transforms

    travis build npm version





    The initial release is out. Would love some feedback on things that can be improved. The release(and future ones) can be found in the release section

    • 0.6.4 - Manual mode complete bug fix
    • 0.6.3 - IE Bug fix, polyfill for Array.prototype.find
    • 0.6.2 - Bug fixes, Added sequencing of animations
    • 0.6.1 - Fixed UMD-build
    • 0.6.0 - ES6, test suite, life cycle events, new demos
    • 0.5.8 - Add new tweenable property scalePost/fromScalePost
    • 0.5.7 - Fix issues manual mode and spring easings
    • 0.5.6 - Fix issues with duration: 0
    • 0.5.4 - Added allDone-callback, updated docs
    • 0.5.3 - Bugfix for manual mode with easings
    • 0.5.2 - Compability fixes, polyfill for request animation frame
    • 0.5.1 - Performance improvements
    • 0.5.0 - Refactoring, show deprecation warnings
    • 0.4.0 - Manual mode, function initalizers
    • 0.3.0 - Memory optimizations, improved Matrix API, better UMD wrappers
    • 0.2.0 - Added support for RequireJS and browserify. Published to npm and bower
    • 0.1.0 - Initial beta release

    Get it

    snabbt is available with AMD-support, CommonJS-support and as a global module.

    Package managers

    bower install snabbt.js
    npm install snabbt.js


    Browser Support


    Note: IE does not support the transform-style: preserve-3d property. This prevents nesting 3D transformed elements.


    1. Fork it!
    2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
    3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
    4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
    5. Submit a pull request :D


    • Improve documentation

    MIT License © 2015 Daniel Lundin (

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