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    Svg Morpheus

    JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions.
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    SVG Morpheus


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    JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions.

    Live demo

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    Using SVG Morpheus with a CDN

    CDN provided by cdnjs

    <script src="//"></script>


    You have the following options to install the library:

    • Download SVG Morpheus from GitHub.
    • Use NPM npm install svg-morpheus.
    • Use Bower bower install svg-morpheus.

    Add Script

    Simply add the svg-morpheus.js script to your website/application. No other scripts are needed. Both the minified and uncompressed (for development) versions are in the /compile folder.

    <script src="svg-morpheus.js"></script>


    1. Add an icon set SVG to the HTML file where you want to show the morphing icon.
    2. Create a SVG Morpheus instance for the icon set by calling new SVGMorpheus(element). Object/IFrame/Inline SVG element containing the icon set. Can be a DOM element or a CSS query selector.. For example:
    var myIcons = new SVGMorpheus('#myIconSet');
    1. After initializing, you get a SVGMorpheus object having to(ID) function. ID is an id of Icon in the icon set. Use it to morph the icon to another icon in the icon set.'icon1');


    SVGMorpheus Constructor

    Creates a SVGMorpheus instance.

    var myIcons = new SVGMorpheus(element, options, callback);

    element - Object/IFrame/SVG element containing an icon set. Can be a DOM element or a CSS query selector.

    options - Optional. Object specifying default options.

    options.iconId - Optional. Id of an icon shown after initialization. Default: last icon in the icon set.

    options.duration - Optional. Set a default duration for transition animations, in msec. Default: 750.

    options.easing - Optional. Set a default easing for transition animations. Default: quad-in-out.

    options.rotation - Optional. Set a default rotation for icon shapes. clock = clockwise, counterclock = counterclockwise, random = randomly set clock/counterclock, none = no rotation. Default: clock.

    callback - Optional. Set a default callback function to call at the animation end.

    Morphs the icon to another one., options, callback);

    iconId - Id of an icon to transition to.

    options - Optional. Object specifying the animation options.

    options.duration - Optional. Set a duration for the animation, in msec.

    options.easing - Optional. Set an easing for the animation.

    options.rotation - Optional. Set a rotation for icon shapes. clock = clockwise, counterclock = counterclockwise, random = randomly set clock/counterclock, none = no rotation.

    callback - Optional. Set a callback function to call at the animation end.


    Registers a custom easing function. SVGMorpheus has a set of predefined easing functions for the morph animation (goes below). If you want to use your own easing, use this function to do that.

    myIcons.registerEasing(name, fn);

    name - Name of an easing function you want to register.

    fn - Easing function. function easing(timing) gets a float 0<=timing<=1 argument as an input, and outputs float 0<=progress<=1.

    Predefined easing functions

    circ-in, circ-out, circ-in-out, cubic-in, cubic-out, cubic-in-out, elastic-in, elastic-out, elastic-in-out, expo-in, expo-out, expo-in-out, linear, quad-in, quad-out, quad-in-out, quart-in, quart-out, quart-in-out, quint-in, quint-out, quint-in-out, sine-in, sine-out, sine-in-out

    Icon Set structure

    SVG should have the following structure to be a valid icon set:

    • 1st tier nodes are <g> elements having 'id' attribute. They define icons in the icon set.
    • 2nd tier nodes are shape elements (<path>, circle, rect, ellipse, polygon, line). They define the icon graphics.
      <g id="icon1">
        Shape elements
      <g id="icon2">
        Shape elements

    Example code

    Check the Demos directory for examples.

    Supported browsers

    Chrome Firefox IE >= 10 Safari Opera iOS Safari Android Browser >= 4.4 Chrome for Android


    See the LICENSE file.

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