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    A CSS and JS bootstrap to style and manipulate data tables
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    • 🔾28%Overall
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    • 319.2 days
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    tablecloth.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you easily style HTML tables along with some simple customizations.

    We've all been there. Either you're redesigning a large site or working on a completely new one... styling tables is typically tedious and time-consuming. If you'd rather spend your valuable time making the other elements of your site pretty, use tablecloth to do the heavy lifting:

    // Without any customizations
    // With customizations
      theme: "default",
      bordered: true,
      condensed: true,
      striped: true,
      sortable: true,
      clean: true,
      cleanElements: "th td",
      customClass: "my-table"

    tablecloth builds off the Twitter Bootstrap. It also includes popular jQuery table manipulation plugins like tablesorter.

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