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    timeago.js is a tiny library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
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    timeago.js is a nano library(less than 2 kb) used to format datetime with *** time ago statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.

    • i18n supported.
    • Time ago and time in supported.
    • Real-time render supported.
    • Node and browser supported.
    • Well tested.

    Official website. React version here: timeago-react. Python version here: timeago.

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    Such as

    just now
    12 seconds ago
    2 hours ago
    3 days ago
    3 weeks ago
    2 years ago
    in 12 seconds
    in 3 minutes
    in 24 days
    in 6 months


    • install
    npm install timeago.js
    • import
    import { format, render, cancel, register } from 'timeago.js';

    or import with script tag in html file and access global variable timeago.

    <script src="dist/timeago.min.js"></script>
    • example
    // format the time with locale
    format('2016-06-12', 'en_US');


    Alternatively to NPM, you can also use a CDN which will reflect the latest version as soon as it is published to npm.

    <script src="//"></script>


    There only 4 API below.

    • format

    format(date[, locale = 'en_US', opts]), format a Date instance / timestamp / date string to string.

    import { format } from 'timeago.js';
    // format timestamp
    // format date instance
    format(new Date(1544666010224));
    // format date string
    // format with locale
    format(1544666010224, 'zh_CN');
    // format with locale and relative date
    format(1544666010224, 'zh_CN', { relativeDate: '2018-11-11' });
    // e.g.
    format( - 11 * 1000 * 60 * 60); // returns '11 hours ago'

    The default locale is en_US, and the library contains en_US and zh_CN build-in.

    • render & cancel

    render(dom[, locale = 'en_US', opts])

    Make a dom with datetime attribute automatic rendering and cancel.

    HTML code:

    <div class="timeago" datetime="2016-06-30 09:20:00"></div>

    Javascript code:

    import { render, cancel } from 'timeago.js';
    const nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.timeago');
    // use render method to render nodes in real time
    render(nodes, 'zh_CN');
    // render with opts
    // render(nodes, 'en_US', { minInterval: 3 });
    // cancel all real-time render task
    // or cancel for the specific one

    The 3rd parameter opts contains:

    export type Opts = {
      /** the relative date */
      readonly relativeDate?: TDate;
      /** the realtime min update interval */
      readonly minInterval?: number;

    The DOM object should have the attribute datetime with date formatted string.

    • register

    register(locale, localeFunc), register a new locale, build-in locale contains: en_US, zh_CN, all locales here.

    You can register your own language with register API.

    const localeFunc = (number: number, index: number, totalSec: number): [string, string] => {
      // number: the timeago / timein number;
      // index: the index of array below;
      // totalSec: total seconds between date to be formatted and today's date;
      return [
        ['just now', 'right now'],
        ['%s seconds ago', 'in %s seconds'],
        ['1 minute ago', 'in 1 minute'],
        ['%s minutes ago', 'in %s minutes'],
        ['1 hour ago', 'in 1 hour'],
        ['%s hours ago', 'in %s hours'],
        ['1 day ago', 'in 1 day'],
        ['%s days ago', 'in %s days'],
        ['1 week ago', 'in 1 week'],
        ['%s weeks ago', 'in %s weeks'],
        ['1 month ago', 'in 1 month'],
        ['%s months ago', 'in %s months'],
        ['1 year ago', 'in 1 year'],
        ['%s years ago', 'in %s years']
    // register your locale with timeago
    register('my-locale', localeFunc);
    // use it
    format('2016-06-12', 'my-locale');


    1. The website is based on rmm5t/jquery-timeago which is a nice and featured project but it depends on jQuery.
    2. locale translations: The library needs more locale translations. You can:

      • Open an issue to write the locale translations, or submit a pull request. How to ? see locales translation.
      • Please test the locale by exec npm test. How to write test cases, see locales test cases.



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