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    Tiny Slider

    Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes.
    Filed under 

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    Tiny Slider 2


    Tiny slider for all purposes, inspired by Owl Carousel.


    Test results

    Previous versions: v1, v0

    Warning: tiny-slider works with static content and it works in the browser only. If the HTML is loaded dynamically, make sure to call tns() after its loading.


    What's new

    • Using % instead of px (No more recalculation of each slide width on window resize)
    • Using CSS Mediaqueries if supported
    • Save browser capability values to localStorage, so they will not be recheck again until browser get upgraded or user clear the localStorage manually.
    • More options available for responsive. (Start from v2.1.0, issue 53)
    • Insert controls and nav before slider instead of after (issue 4)
    • Move autoplay button out of nav container. (Start from v2.1.0)
    • Some selector changes in tiny-slider.scss

    Migrating to v2

    • Update controls and / or nav styles based on their position changes.
    • Update the slider selectors accordingly if used in your CSS or JS.
    • Update styles related to autoplay button.



      Carousel Gallery
    Horizontal Vertical
    Percentage Width Fixed Width Auto Width
    Slide by  
    Edge padding  
    Center (v2.9.2+)    
    Auto height
    Arrow keys
    Customize controls/nav
    Respond to DOM visibility changes
    Custom events



    bower install tiny-slider or npm install tiny-slider


    1. Add CSS (and IE8 polyfills if needed)

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <!--[if (lt IE 9)]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->

    2. Add markup

    <div class="my-slider">
    <!-- or > li -->

    3. Call tns()

    Option A: Add tiny-slider.js to your page:

    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- NOTE: prior to v2.2.1 tiny-slider.js need to be in <body> -->

    Option B: Import tns via webpack or rollup:

    // yourScript.js
    import { tns } from "./node_modules/tiny-slider/src/tiny-slider"

    Option C: Import tns directly start from v2.8.2

    <script type="module">
      import {tns} from './src/tiny-slider.js';
      var slider = tns({
        container: '.my-slider',
        items: 3,
        slideBy: 'page',
        autoplay: true



    Option Type Description
    container Node \ String Default: '.slider'.
    The slider container element or selector.
    mode "carousel" \ "gallery" Default: "carousel".
    Controls animation behaviour.
    With carousel everything slides to the side, while gallery uses fade animations and changes all slides at once.
    axis "horizontal" \ "vertical" Default: "horizontal".
    The axis of the slider.
    items positive number Default: 1.
    Number of slides being displayed in the viewport.
    If slides less or equal than items, the slider won't be initialized.
    gutter positive integer Default: 0.
    Space between slides (in "px").
    edgePadding positive integer Default: 0.
    Space on the outside (in "px").
    fixedWidth positive integer \ false Default: false.
    Controls width attribute of the slides.
    autoWidth Boolean Default: false.
    If true, the width of each slide will be its natural width as a inline-block box.
    viewportMax (was fixedWidthViewportWidth) positive integer \ false Default: false.
    Maximum viewport width for fixedWidth/autoWidth.
    slideBy positive number \ "page" Default: 1.
    Number of slides going on one "click".
    center (v2.9.2+) Boolean Default: false.
    Center the active slide in the viewport.
    controls Boolean Default: true.
    Controls the display and functionalities of controls components (prev/next buttons). If true, display the controls and add all functionalities.
    For better accessibility, when a prev/next button is focused, user will be able to control the slider using left/right arrow keys.
    controlsPosition "top" \ "bottom" Default: "top".
    Controls controls position.
    controlsText (Text \ Markup) Array Default: ["prev", "next"].
    Text or markup in the prev/next buttons.
    controlsContainer Node \ String \ false Default: false.
    The container element/selector around the prev/next buttons.
    controlsContainer must have at least 2 child elements.
    prevButton Node \ String \ false Default: false.
    Customized previous buttons.
    This option will be ignored if controlsContainer is a Node element or a CSS selector.
    nextButton Node \ String \ false Default: false.
    Customized next buttons.
    This option will be ignored if controlsContainer is a Node element or a CSS selector.
    nav Boolean Default: true.
    Controls the display and functionalities of nav components (dots). If true, display the nav and add all functionalities.
    navPosition "top" \ "bottom" Default: "top".
    Controls nav position.
    navContainer Node \ String \ false Default: false.
    The container element/selector around the dots.
    navContainer must have at least same number of children as the slides.
    navAsThumbnails Boolean Default: false.
    Indicate if the dots are thumbnails. If true, they will always be visible even when more than 1 slides displayed in the viewport.
    arrowKeys Boolean Default: false.
    Allows using arrow keys to switch slides.
    speed positive integer Default: 300.
    Speed of the slide animation (in "ms").
    autoplay Boolean Default: false.
    Toggles the automatic change of slides.
    autoplayPosition "top" \ "bottom" Default: "top".
    Controls autoplay position.
    autoplayTimeout positive integer Default: 5000.
    Time between 2 autoplay slides change (in "ms").
    autoplayDirection "forward" \ "backward" Default: "forward".
    Direction of slide movement (ascending/descending the slide index).
    autoplayText Array (Text \ Markup) Default: ["start", "stop"].
    Text or markup in the autoplay start/stop button.
    autoplayHoverPause Boolean Default: false.
    Stops sliding on mouseover.
    autoplayButton Node \ String \ false Default: false.
    The customized autoplay start/stop button or selector.
    autoplayButtonOutput Boolean Default: true.
    Output autoplayButton markup when autoplay is true but a customized autoplayButton is not provided.
    autoplayResetOnVisibility Boolean Default: true.
    Pauses the sliding when the page is invisible and resumes it when the page become visiable again. (Page Visibility API)
    animateIn String Default: "tns-fadeIn".
    Name of intro animation class.
    animateOut String Default: "tns-fadeOut".
    Name of outro animation class.
    animateNormal String Default: "tns-normal".
    Name of default animation class.
    animateDelay positive integer \ false Default: false.
    Time between each gallery animation (in "ms").
    loop Boolean Default: true.
    Moves throughout all the slides seamlessly.
    rewind Boolean Default: false.
    Moves to the opposite edge when reaching the first or last slide.
    autoHeight Boolean Default: false.
    Height of slider container changes according to each slide's height.
    responsive Object: {
     breakpoint: {
      key: value
    } \
    false Default: false.
    Breakpoint: Integer.
    Defines options for different viewport widths (see Responsive Options).
    lazyload Boolean Default: false.
    Enables lazyloading images that are currently not viewed, thus saving bandwidth (see demo).
    + Class .tns-lazy-img need to be set on every image you want to lazyload if option lazyloadSelector is not specified;
    + data-src attribute with its value of the real image src is required;
    + width attribute for every image is required for autoWidth slider.
    lazyloadSelector (v2.9.1+) String Default: '.tns-lazy-img'.
    The CSS selector for lazyload images.
    touch Boolean Default: true.
    Activates input detection for touch devices.
    mouseDrag Boolean Default: false.
    Changing slides by dragging them.
    swipeAngle positive integer \ Boolean Default: 15.
    Swipe or drag will not be triggered if the angle is not inside the range when set.
    preventActionWhenRunning (v2.9.1+) Boolean Default: false.
    Prevent next transition while slider is transforming.
    preventScrollOnTouch (v2.9.1+) "auto" \ "force" \ false Default: false.
    Prevent page from scrolling on touchmove. If set to "auto", the slider will first check if the touch direction matches the slider axis, then decide whether prevent the page scrolling or not. If set to "force", the slider will always prevent the page scrolling.
    nested "inner" \ "outer" \ false Default: false.
    Define the relationship between nested sliders. (see demo)
    Make sure you run the inner slider first, otherwise the height of the inner slider container will be wrong.
    freezable Boolean Default: true.
    Indicate whether the slider will be frozen (controls, nav, autoplay and other functions will stop work) when all slides can be displayed in one page.
    disable Boolean Default: false.
    Disable slider.
    startIndex positive integer Default: 0.
    The initial index of the slider.
    onInit Function \ false Default: false.
    Callback to be run on initialization.
    useLocalStorage Boolean Default: true.
    Save browser capability variables to localStorage and without detecting them everytime the slider runs if set to true.
    nonce String / false Default: false.
    Optional Nonce attribute for inline style tag to allow slider usage without `unsafe-inline Content Security Policy source.

    NOTE: Prior to v2.0.2, options "container", "controlsContainer", "navContainer" and "autoplayButton" still need to be DOM elements. E.g. container: document.querySelector('.my-slider')


    Responsive options

    The following options can be redefined in responsive field: startIndex, items, slideBy, speed, autoHeight, fixedWidth, edgePadding, gutter, center, controls, controlsText, nav, autoplay, autoplayHoverPause, autoplayResetOnVisibility, autoplayText, autoplayTimeout, touch, mouseDrag, arrowKeys, disable

      var slider = tns({
        container: '.my-slider',
        items: 1,
        responsive: {
          640: {
            edgePadding: 20,
            gutter: 20,
            items: 2
          700: {
            gutter: 30
          900: {
            items: 3


    • The breakpoints behave like (min-width: breakpoint) in CSS, so an undefined option will be inherited from previous small breakpoints.
    • fixedWidth can only be changed to other positive integers. It can't be changed to negative integer, 0 or other data type. top↑


    The slider returns a slider object with some properties and methods once it's initialized:

      version: version, // tiny-slider version
      getInfo: info(),
      events: events, // Object
      goTo: goTo(),
      play: play(),
      pause: pause(),
      isOn: isOn, // Boolean
      updateSliderHeight: updateInnerWrapperHeight(),
      refresh: initSliderTransform(),
      destroy: destroy(),
      rebuild: rebuild()

    To get the slider information, you can either use the getInfo() method or subscribe to an Event. Both return an Object:

                    container: container, // slider container
                   slideItems: slideItems, // slides list
                 navContainer: navContainer, // nav container
                     navItems: navItems, // dots list
            controlsContainer: controlsContainer, // controls container
                  hasControls: hasControls, // indicate if controls exist
                   prevButton: prevButton, // previous button
                   nextButton: nextButton, // next button
                        items: items, // items on a page
                      slideBy: slideBy // items slide by
                   cloneCount: cloneCount, // cloned slide count
                   slideCount: slideCount, // original slide count
                slideCountNew: slideCountNew, // total slide count after initialization
                        index: index, // current index
                  indexCached: indexCached, // previous index
                 displayIndex: getCurrentSlide(), // display index starts from 1
                   navCurrent: navCurrent, // current dot index
             navCurrentCached: navCurrentCached, // previous dot index
                        pages: pages, // visible nav indexes
                  pagesCached: pagesCached,
                        sheet: sheet,
                        event: e || {}, // event object if available


    Get slider information.

    document.querySelector('.next-button').onclick = function () {
      // get slider info
      var info = slider.getInfo(),
          indexPrev = info.indexCached,
          indexCurrent = info.index;
      // update style based on index


    Go to specific slide by number or keywords.

    document.querySelector('.goto-button').onclick = function () {


    Programmatically start slider autoplay when autoplay: true.;


    Programmatically stop slider autoplay when autoplay: true.



    Manually adjust slider height when autoHeight is true.



    Destroy the slider.



    Rebuild the slider after destroy.

    slider = slider.rebuild();
    // this method returns a new slider Object with the same options with the original slider

    Custom Events

    Available events include: indexChanged, transitionStart, transitionEnd, newBreakpointStart, newBreakpointEnd, touchStart, touchMove, touchEnd, dragStart, dragMove and dragEnd.

    var customizedFunction = function (info, eventName) {
      // direct access to info object
    // bind function to event'transitionEnd', customizedFunction);
    // remove function binding'transitionEnd', customizedFunction);



    .no-js .your-slider { overflow-x: auto; }
    .no-js .your-slider > div { float: none; }

    Browser Support

    Desktop: Firefox 8+ ✓ Chrome 15+ ✓ (Should works on Chrome 4-14 as well, but I couldn't test it.) Safari 4+ ✓ Opera 12.1+ ✓ IE 8+ ✓

    Mobile: Android Browser 4.2+ ✓ Chrome Mobile 63+ ✓ Firefox Mobile 28+ ✓ Maxthon 4+ ✓


    Browser Stack
    Live tests and Automated Tests

    Cross Browser Testing
    Live tests, Screenshots and Automated Tests

    Images on demo page are from


    This project is available under the MIT license.

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