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    Your solution to full-screen background video & image combined.
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    • 62.9 days
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    This JS module will treat video as a background. It will determine when to hide/show & pause/play the video. Touch devices and/or smaller devices with width of 34em will display image provided as fallback.

    Installation (pick one)

    • npm i @dvlden/vidage
    • pnpm i @dvlden/vidage
    • yarn add @dvlden/vidage

    CDN (pick one)

    1. JSDelivr
    2. UNPKG


    Preferred way...

    Add base structure and replace video source paths

    <div class="vidage">
      <video id="vidage" class="vidage-video" preload="metadata" loop autoplay muted>
        <source src="videos/bg.webm" type="video/webm">
        <source src="videos/bg.mp4" type="video/mp4">

    Setup and import required styles

    // set the fallback-cover image
    $vdg-fallback-image: url('../images/fallback.jpg');
    // import package
    @import '~vidage/src/styles/vidage';

    Import the JS module and create new instance

    import Vidage from 'vidage'
    new Vidage('#vidage')

    Old fashioned way...

    Below you will find complete html example...

    <!doctype html>
      <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/vidage.css">
          /* Override the cover image. Set the path to the actual image... */
          .vidage::before {
            background-image: url('images/fallback.jpg');
        <div class="vidage">
          <video id="vidage" class="vidage-video" preload="metadata" loop autoplay muted>
            <source src="videos/bg.webm" type="video/webm">
            <source src="videos/bg.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <!-- START: Rest of your site content -->
        <!-- END: Rest of your site content -->
        <script src="dist/vidage.js"></script>
          new Vidage('#vidage')

    JS Arguments

    Instance of Vidage accepts two arguments. First argument is the actual selector of the video, that instance will control. Second argument is the actual object for the options.

    Argument Required Type
    selector string/node
    options object
    Key Default Value Required Type
    helperClass vidage-ready string
    videoRemoval false bool

    SCSS Variables

    Variable Default Value
    $vdg-fallback-image url('../images/cover.jpg')

    Browser Support

    Yet to be determined. All modern browsers should be alright.

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