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    XSound gives Web Developers Powerful Audio Features Easily !
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    XSound - Powerful Audio Features Easily ! -

    Node.js CI node-current License: MIT npm jsDelivr


    XSound gives Web Developers Powerful Audio Features Easily !
    In concrete, XSound is useful to implement the following features.

    • Create Sound
    • Play the One-Shot Audio
    • Play the Audio
    • Play the Media
    • Streaming (by WebRTC)
    • MIDI (by Web MIDI API)
    • MML (Music Macro Language)
    • Effectors (Compressor / Wah / Equalizer / Tremolo / Phaser / Chorus / Delay / Reverb ... etc)
    • Visualization (Overview in Time Domain / Time Domain / Spectrum)
    • Multi-Track Recording (Create WAVE file)
    • Audio Streaming
    • Visual Audio Sprite

    XSound don't depend on other libraries or frameworks (For example, jQuery, React).

    Supported Browsers

    Supported Browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari

    Getting Started

    In case of using as full stack (For example, use oscillator) ...

    X('oscillator').setup([true, true, false, false]).ready(2, 5).start([440, 880]).stop();

    or, in case of using as module base (For example, use chorus effector) ...

    // The instance of `AudioContext`
    const context = X.get();
    // Create the instance of `Chorus` that is defined by XSound
    const chorus = new X.Chorus(context);
    const oscillator = context.createOscillator();
    // The instance that is defined by XSound has connectors for input and output
    // Set parameters for chorus
      time : 0.025,
      depth: 0.5,
      rate : 2.5,
      mix  : 0.5
    // Activate

    XSound enable to using the following classes (Refer to API Documentation for details).

    X.Analyser(context: AudioContext);
    X.Recorder(context: AudioContext);
    // Effectors
    X.Autopanner(context: AudioContext);
    X.BitCrusher(context: AudioContext);
    X.Chorus(context: AudioContext);
    X.Compressor(context: AudioContext);
    X.Delay(context: AudioContext);
    X.Equalizer(context: AudioContext);
    X.Filter(context: AudioContext);
    X.Flanger(context: AudioContext);
    X.Fuzz(context: AudioContext);
    X.Listener(context: AudioContext);
    X.NoiseGate(context: AudioContext);
    X.NoiseSuppressor(context: AudioContext);
    X.OverDrive(context: AudioContext);
    X.Panner(context: AudioContext);
    X.Phaser(context: AudioContext);
    X.PitchShifter(context: AudioContext);
    X.Preamp(context: AudioContext);
    X.Reverb(context: AudioContext);
    X.Ringmodulator(context: AudioContext);
    X.Stereo(context: AudioContext);
    X.Tremolo(context: AudioContext);
    X.VocalCanceler(context: AudioContext);
    X.Wah(context: AudioContext);

    Demo uses this library.

    Now, I'm creating website for Web Audio API. Please refer to the following site for understanding API Documentation.



    $ npm install --save xsound


    $ yarn add xsound


    In case of using ES Modules,

    import { XSound, X } from 'xsound';

    If SSR (Server-Side Rendering), use dynamic imports,

    async () => {
      const { XSound, X } = await import('xsound');

    In case of using CDN,

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


    Use Webpack Dev Server

    $ git clone
    $ cd XSound
    $ npm install
    $ npm run dev
    $ open http://localhost:8080/playground/

    Use Docker

    $ git clone
    $ cd XSound
    $ npm install
    $ npm run watch
    $ docker compose up -d --build
    $ open http://localhost:8080/playground/

    API Documentation

    XSound API Documentation


    XSound Playground (Watch by YouTube).

    XSound Playground Screenshot

    Migration to v3

    Please refer to API Documentation for details.

    Case sensitive

    // Bad (v2 or earlier)
    X('audio').module('panner').param({ coneinnerangle: 240 });
    // Good (v3)
    X('audio').module('panner').param({ coneInnerAngle: 240 });

    Use plain object if parameters setter

    // Bad (v2 or earlier)
    X('oscillator').get(0).param('type', 'sawtooth');
    // Good (v3)
    X('oscillator').get(0).param({ type: 'sawtooth' });

    Validate parameters on the application side

    if ((type === 'sine') || (type === 'square') || (type === 'sawtooth') || (type === 'triangle')) {
      X('oscillator').get(0).param({ type });

    Migration to v3.1.x or later

    If use bundle tool and compress class names such as webpack and terser-webpack-plugin,
    must add the following options (because of using inline AudioWorkletProcessor).

    new TerserWebpackPlugin({
      // ... other options
      terserOptions: {
        keep_classnames: /^.*?Processor$/



    Released under the MIT license

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