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    :x: :heavy_check_mark: A beautifully simple and capable test runner
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    • 🔾38%Overall
    • 831
    • 11.4 days
    • 🕩38
    • 👥2


    Node.js CI install size

    A tiny (~80 lines of TypeScript) test runner focused on simplicity and speed

    $ xv ./src
    src/add.test.js: 0.103ms
    src/sub.test.js: 0.064ms

    Extracted from lowdb. Fastest test runner according to this benchmark.


    If you've used other test runners, you probably have spent a significant amount of time reading docs, configuring, maintaining and debugging them.

    By being extremely simple, xv gets out of your way and lets you be productive faster. In fact, the whole project documentation fits in this page ;)


    npm install xv --save-dev


    Create a test file and use Node's built-in assert module:

    // src/add.test.js
    import assert from 'node:assert/strict'
    import add from './add.js'
    // This is plain Node code, there's no xv API
    export function testAdd() {
      assert.equal(add(1, 2), 3)

    Edit package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "test": "xv src"

    Run tests:

    npm test                # run all test files in ./src
    npx xv src/add.test.js  # run a single test file


    By default, xv will look for files named: *.test.js, test.js, *.test.ts and test.ts


    With TypeScript + ts-node

    npm install ts-node --save-dev
      "scripts": {
        "test": "xv --loader=ts-node/esm src"

    With TypeScript only

    Compile your .ts files using tsc and run xv on compiled .js files.

    For example, assuming your compiled files are in lib/, edit package.json to run xv after tsc:

      "scripts": {
        "test": "tsc && xv lib"

    If you're publishing to npm, edit package.json to exclude compiled test files:

      "files": [

    Common JS

    // src/add.test.js
    const assert = require('assert').strict;
    const add = require('./add')
    exports.testAdd = function() {
      assert.equal(add(1, 2), 3)

    Watch mode

    xv doesn't have a watch mode. If the feature is needed, it's recommended to use tools like watchexec or chokidar-cli to re-run xv when there are changes.

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