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    Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
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    Zepto.js – a minimalist JavaScript library

    Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.

    See for an extended introduction, downloads and documentation.

    Zepto.js is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

    Want to give us money or a tip? Don't. Instead please donate to charity: water.


    Build Status

    The official site offers a download of the default distribution of Zepto. This is good for starting out. However, at some point you might want to add some optional modules and remove some of the default ones you don't need, to keep the size at a minimum. That's when you need to check out Zepto's source code and use the build commands.

    You will need Node.js installed on your system.

    $ npm install
    $ npm run-script dist
    # do a custom build
    $ MODULES="zepto event data" npm run-script dist
    # on Windows
    c:\zepto> SET MODULES=zepto event data
    c:\zepto> npm run-script dist

    The resulting files are:

    1. dist/zepto.js
    2. dist/zepto.min.js

    If you install CoffeeScript globally, you can run make directly:

    # one-time operation
    $ npm install coffee-script --global
    $ coffee make dist
    $ MODULES="zepto event data ..." ./make dist
    # on Windows
    c:\zepto> SET MODULES=zepto event data
    c:\zepto> coffee make dist

    Zepto modules

    Zepto modules are individual files in the "src/" directory.

    module default description
    zepto Core module; contains most methods
    event Event handling via on() & off()
    ajax XMLHttpRequest and JSONP functionality
    form Serialize & submit web forms
    ie Support for Internet Explorer 10+ on the desktop and Windows Phone 8
    detect Provides $.os and $.browser information
    fx The animate() method
    fx_methods Animated show, hide, toggle, and fade*() methods.
    assets Experimental support for cleaning up iOS memory after removing image elements from the DOM.
    data A full-blown data() method, capable of storing arbitrary objects in memory.
    deferred Provides $.Deferred promises API. Depends on the "callbacks" module.
    callbacks Provides $.Callbacks for use in "deferred" module.
    selector Experimental jQuery CSS extensions support for functionality such as $('div:first') and':visible').
    touch Fires tap– and swipe–related events on touch devices. This works with both touch (iOS, Android) and pointer events (Windows Phone).
    gesture Fires pinch gesture events on touch devices
    stack Provides andSelf & end() chaining methods
    ios3 String.prototype.trim and Array.prototype.reduce methods (if they are missing) for compatibility with iOS 3.x.


    Please read our contribution guidelines for information on how to contribute.

    Get in touch:

    Write documentation

    Zepto docs are written in Markdown and live in the "gh-pages" branch. They are published on

    You can use GitHub's web interface to make quick changes to documentation for specific Zepto features (example: ajaxSettings). This will submit a pull request to us that we can review.

    Report a bug

    1. Check if the bug is already fixed in the master branch since the last release.
    2. Check existing issues. Open a new one, including exact browser & platform information. For better formatting of your report, see GitHub-flavored Markdown.

    Running tests

    You will need to install PhantomJS. On OS X, that's easy:

    $ brew install phantomjs

    To run the automated tests:

    $ npm test

    To run a test server, which you can hit with your browsers and devices:

    $ npm start

    Go to http://your-ip-address:3000/ on your browser and follow the instructions. For your convenience test failures and exceptions will be reported to the the console you started the test server in (as well as the browser console if available).

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